Chapter 15 - Two Letters: Home & Love

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The sun started to fall behind the trees. The whole day was full of chores, and all hands were on deck, meaning the whole family pitched in outside. This was a day that Stephen didn't need to go to work, but he went into the city anyway and got some beef for the family. I had the clever idea of showing the Toofs how to make hamburgers, or the closest equivalent. There would be no condiments, but the juices from the tomatoes and the beef sufficed.

My old abode from a few days ago was left the same way since I was welcomed back into the house. I mainly went up there to the loft so I could take a load-off before supper was made. I offered to help, but Lucy said that I helped enough with preparing lunch and introducing a new meal. Stephen expressed his opinion that he thought the burgers wouldn't catch on.

"Oh, they would, alright," I said to myself as I sat, and Daisy whinnied. I leaned forward a bit and saw her down there in her space. I smirked. "Hey, girl." She moved her head around, and I saw that her eyeball looked up at me. "Okay, okay, I'll come down."

I did so, and the moment I stepped off the ladder, Daisy whinnied again, and I came over and ran my hand down her long nose. She calmed down, and I grinned. I had an affection for this horse, the same with Petunia. I couldn't wait to have a bunch of animals running around Graceland.

"Man..." I exasperated as I found the horse brush and started brushing Daisy's thick neck, the side that her hair wasn't falling over. "If I stay here..." I gulped hard. "I'll never see my family again. Yeah, Graceland may or may not be built, but my family's my life. They're the reason why I wanted to get into the music business, not just because I love to sing and play guitar." Daisy whinnied. "Yeah, I know. Grace is wonderful, and I feel somethin' strong for 'er, but... I miss my family. Maybe..." And idea came to me. "Hey, Daisy, what do you think of this, huh? I write my family a letter, hide it somewhere I can get it when I go back home, and show it to 'em to prove that I was here. Great idea, huh?" She whinnied again. "Yeah, okay. I'm gonna do it. I'll be back, okay? I'm gonna want your opinion on what to write."

I left her and headed to the house. I stopped, though, halfway there. I saw Grace over by that fence we stood at when I first arrived here, in the middle of the property, where the trees started. Elma was with her. I really wanted to talk to Grace about my idea, and talk about us, but I didn't want to disturb their sister talk, if that was what they were doing.

I headed to the house, up the steps to the porch, and once I walked in, I saw Lucy busy with needlework, and Stephen was at his desk as usual. Lucy saw me first. She gave me a kind, motherly smile. It made me miss Momma.

"Elvis, hello. Did you decide not to spend the evenin' with Daisy?"

I smirked. "I was, but then I had an idea. Would it be alright if I use some stationary for writin' a letter?"

"Of course." She turned her head to her husband. "Stephen, could you hand Elvis a paper and pen? And an envelope?"

"Who are you writin' to, when you're so far from home?" he asked after he turned around in his desk chair.

"I'm writin' to my family," I told them as I came closer to Stephen. "I know the idea's nuts, but I want to do a little experiment. I just... I really miss my family, particularly my mother. She's my world. I wanna see if I can write to 'er, my pop and my grandmother and maybe hide the letter somewhere where they can find it, or maybe even me if I go home soon. I donno... I just wanna see if it works."

Lucy put down her needlework, stood and came over to me and took my hand. She held it in both of hers and squeezed, her eyes kind. "You miss your family enough to see if something impossible could happen. Even if none of us can fathom such a thing, go ahead." She went to the desk and got the stationary supplies, and that included the paper, envelopes and a pen and ink bottle. She held them out to me. "I think your mother is beside herself with worry. Write to her and tell her you are alright."

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