Chapter 13 - A Rather Large Cat is Out of the Bag

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"What kind of absurd question is that?"

"A fair one. It would explain a lot of things."

Mr. Louse pointed to me with his thick finger as mine were clenched in a nervous fist. "That handsome head of yours has gone to clouds. What? Time travel? You're off your goat."

"Only the Toofs know my story, and I have a strong feelin' that your story is similar to mine. You came here the same way I did, only you came thirty years ago. Tell me I'm wrong."

He held up his chin, his beady eyes looking down on me condescendingly. He said nothing as we stood in this garden, and birds chirped around us, and a dog even barked somewhere. Such a beautiful place for a difficult conversation. We stood there for a thick minute, and my heart was hammering inside of me as I held my fisted hands at my sides, and I was sweating in places. This was a huge thing I was demanding of him, and he wasn't saying anything.

"What of the open mind you spoke of?" I asked as he was glaring at me. "Of what your wife spoke of? And just what do you know about me?"

"I'm not speaking another word to you, Mr. Presley."

I took a step up to him, my gaze pleading. "C'mon, Mr. Louse. Just tell me what's goin' on, huh? I came here about a week ago from 1957, and I have a feelin' that you knew that. And..." I paused as something shocking came to mind. "Wait... you knew I'd help the Toofs keep the farm since you knew I would eventually buy it. You knew it would be called Graceland. You wanna keep it away from me! Why?"

His eyes started to turn bloodshot, and he straightened his tie knot. He was trying to keep dignified composure. "I told you, you're not right in the head. You need to check yourself into a loony bin. Now, excuse me. Don't you dare come here again."

He turned to go, and he stopped when I demanded, "Just what do you have against me, huh?!"

He turned just his head to me, his glare mean. He gulped hard, then revealed, "Everythin'."

Our conversation was over. He turned to go, and as he did, someone came up behind me, but I didn't bother with the person at the moment since the weight of this whole situation was near to pummeling me, and my eyes were stinging and my chest was pinching because of it. Everything? He hated everything about me? Just what did he know about me that made him feel in such a way?

"Elvis, will you look at me?"

My heart in my throat, and my limbs weak, I turned my head and saw Liza standing with me, and she had on a purple dress that matched the lilacs we were near. Her pretty face and hazel eyes showed worry.

"Oh, dear me..." she enthused. "I heard that whole conversation. I was takin' a stroll through the garden when I heard you and Father talkin'. What's this about time travel and you bein' from 1957?"

I had no other choice but to reveal this to her. I turned to fully face her as my gaze held hers. "Liza... what I said was true. I'm from Memphis, this part of Memphis, only in 1957. I buy the Toof's land that, in my time, has a beautiful mansion on it. It's called Graceland, after Grace since Mr. Toof wants to give 'er the property eventually."

She stared at me for a few seconds, and I surmised that she was thinking the same as her father—that I was crazy. She said, "Golly, it all makes sense now."

My brows creased, not expecting that. "Sorry? What makes sense?"

"Why Father doesn't want the land to slip away. It has nothin' to do with the Toofs but everythin' to do with you."

"But how? If you heard the conversation, I accused 'im of... wait, are you sayin' you believe me? That I'm from 1957?"

She gave me a pretty smile. "Elvis, I have an exquisite memory, and I would most certainly remember a young man who looks like you walkin' around in the past. It seemed like you appeared outta thin air. What other explanation could there be? Plus, I'm sweet on ya, so that's another reason why I believe your wild tale."

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