Chapter 11 - A Bit of Sunday Commotion

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There are religious themes and discussions in this chapter, so I apologize if people are uncomfortable by that. Elvis was very religious, as am I, so I thought I would add those elements. Also, thanks all of you for sticking with the story!

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Dear God, I know I've been asking to go home, but now, I really would like to stay here as long as possible. Yes, I want to help the Toofs keep the farm, but... well, You know my heart. I'm in love with Grace, and she feels the same. If I leave, that means we'll be apart. Please, allow me to stay here a long time.

Momma and pastors had told me growing up to never counsel the Lord, but to do what He asks. He knows what's best for us. Well, I sure hoped that staying in 1880 Memphis was what was best for me.

The cock crowed, and I just finished my prayer. The barn was pleasantly cool because of the earliness of the morning, but it still smelled rank. Maybe I would never get used to that stench. Yeah, I wanted to have a lot of animals on Graceland, and maybe a barn, but I would only go into it periodically, not sleep in it!

As I got dressed, I thought about why I was moved to the barn, and that led me to think about that sweet kiss that Grace and I shared last night. Well, we both went against what Stephen wanted to do. If he ever found out about last night, he would really send me packing, regardless of my determination to see that Graceland didn't land into the wrong hands. And that was another thing—what about Elma and Eddie? They were so doggon cute together. Something told me that their relationship wouldn't last long since Mr. Louse would probably get the secret out of Eddie somehow.

I headed down the ladder, and as I was doing so, Daisy whinnied. I grinned as I came up to her after stuffing the hat on my head. After chores today, I would take a bath. My greasy hair needed it, and I smelled like the barn.

"Hey, there, Daisy girl," I cooed as I ran my hand down her long nose. "How you doin' today, huh?" She made a horse noise, and I laughed. "That good, huh? You're probably happy to have some company in here durin' the night."

Usually, I would give Daisy her breakfast early in the morning before Stephen would take her off to work. I checked my watch. It was a little before six. He would leave in an hour to be at his office by eight. I gave my four-legged friend her breakfast in a little trough in front of the stall door. That was when I heard a mess of barking. My other four-legged friend came running in, and she jumped on me, making me fall backwards into some cushy hay, thank goodness. That would've given me a nasty bruise on my hind. I wouldn't blame Petunia, though. She was just excited. She was on top of me, licking me all over my face.

"Hey, hey, okay, Petunia, good mornin' to you, too."

I sat up as she continued to lick my chin. The rest of the family was a little jealous that I became her favorite person on the farm. Elma told me once that Petunia would be pretty depressed if I left—another reason to stay.

"Okay, girl, okay," I said and gently moved the loving dog so she wasn't licking me so much. Now I really needed a bath. "You gonna help me with mornin' chores today as usual?" She barked, and I laughed. "You animals understand English, I swear it."

She was right with me as we let the cows out, gathered eggs and set them in the kitchen. No one was up yet. Or, at least, they were getting ready since no one could sleep through that rooster making a racket at first light.

"Alright, let's go and get Daisy hooked up to the cart so Stephen can head out as soon as he's ready. Lord knows I need to be on his good side."

We both headed into the barn, and as I was preparing the cart, Petunia was off sniffing in a corner of the barn. I didn't think anything of it until she started barking. She didn't stop for a good ten seconds. I went over to see what she was making a fuss about.

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