Chapter 14 - Connection I Never Even Fathomed

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When seven o'clock hit, I headed for the Louses' house. They would be done with dinner by now, most likely, and I could talk to Mr. Louse alone.

Time for some answers.

The sun was only starting to go down as I walked down that dirt road since the sun normally set around eight this time of year. It was still pretty warm outside, but I had on that suit again. I wanted Mr. Louse to see me in something closest to what I would wear back at home.

I came up to the house surrounded by flowers and an overall beautiful garden and made my way to the front door. This house had a wraparound porch that circled the whole downstairs of the house, it looked. I had never seen this house before in my time. Maybe it was destroyed at some point like I thought the church building would be.

Someone came to the door after I knocked. It was Eddie. His eyes widened the moment he saw me. "Elvis!"

"Hey, Eddie," I said as I put up a hand, then put it down. "Sorry to intrude, but..."

Someone else came to the door, and I saw that it was Liza. She gasped. "Oh my golly, Eddie, why aren't you lettin' 'im in?" She shoved her brother out of the way. "Come in, Elvis. My, do we all have somethin' rather large to talk about."

"Yeah, you're tellin' me," I said.

"Come in, come in."

"Thank you."

I came on in, and I blinked at the spectacular interior of this house. This family was surly more well-to-do than the Toofs. A staircase faced me, and on both my right and left there looked to be living rooms. Again, how odd it was to not see a television set. But the furniture was nice, and everything else looked pretty elegant, with plants in pots and paintings on the walls.

"I'm sure Elma told you about what I told 'er," said Eddie, and I nodded.

"She spilled everythin'. Not that I'm surprised to find out about who your father really is. I suspected, and it turns out I was right. It's nuts, knowing he's the same as me."

"I was blown away when we found out about it all."

Mrs. Louse came into the entry from the left room, and she gasped, like Liza did. "Oh, heavens, hello, Mr. Presley."

"Hello, ma'am. I apologize for intrudin' on your family this evenin', but I really need to talk to your husband."

"Of course you would want to." Her eyes turned apologetic. "I promise you, I wanted to say somethin' to you from the very beginnin', but Howard would have none of it."

"Yes, he didn't want you to know who he was," said Liza. "It made no sense since he knew exactly who you were when the two of you first met. He just had to put on an act. It's no wonder he was in quite the slump after you first arrived. I think he was shocked out of his mind."

"He was," Mrs. Louse confirmed as Geraldene joined us from where her mother came from. "He told me he couldn't believe that you arrived here, that he wasn't the only person to jump through time. 'Why did it have to be him of all people?' he demanded. He was distraught."

"And I'm here to find out why he doesn't like me," I said. "If it's alright, I would like to speak with 'im alone."

Mrs. Louse nodded. "Of course. He's upstairs in his study. Turn left from the stairs, and it's the first door to your left."

"Thank you. And thank all of you for believin' all this."

"It's harder to believe that Father had been keepin' this rather large secret from us our whole lives," said Geraldene. "What a terrible burden to carry for thirty years. You have been here only a week and it was most likely difficult to keep that secret."

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