2 - The Butterfly Effect

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Paul turned and gave a last look at Alex before following Robert through the door. Alex was close behind as they all reentered the pool yard. They were met by the sight of Luis being loaded onto a stretcher; a white blanket wrapped around him at the waist. The rest of the crew were scattered but close by, all drawn to every motion made by authorities. Benny hid by the fence furthest from everyone else and Dalton stood with the rest by the coolers while they casually ate their lunch.

As the two reached Luis, he rolled his head to the side and exchanged a look with his boss. It was clear by the pensive look on his face that he harbored rational anger behind his furrowed brows, but seemed reluctant to speak. The cop that stood closest to him was leaning uncomfortably close but pulled himself away as the two approached. He now turned his body to them and addressed Paul with neutral urgency.

"Mornin' sir, are you the one in charge?" He asked with a soft voice.

The cop was somewhere around his early thirties with a buttery-smooth face and long eyelashes. His large cheekbones and plush lips made him appear much too pretty to serve as any intimidating or otherwise enforcing figure.

He nodded in response. "Paul Ecker, Officer. I was just interviewing one of my crew to get an understanding of the situation."

The cop kept a keen eye on Alex, and pretty quickly his demeanor changed. He switched from routine cop-on-call, to entirely defensive, almost livid. The judgmental stare he threw toward the awkwardly leaning offender only served to create a static tension between the two. Alex was not one to be scrutinized and he made it clear by tightening his demeanor to indicate he would not be judged.

His eyes returned to Paul. "In that case, I'd love to compare stories. Your guy here says he tripped and fell into the pool. Is there any truth to that?"

His tone was far too insinuating; Paul knew immediately what this guy was about but played ignorant. Instead turning to Alex and gestured him to explain. "Well, you were there; why don't you explain wha' happened?"

Alex also kept his cool, going through the motions of a police confrontation. Hands by his side, fists open, and relaxed. However, he made sure to keep his right hand turned away from his view; attempting to conceal the split knuckle and blood. Still hazy, Alex cleared his throat and attempted to bring forth saliva to wet his lips.

A quick glance to the prone Luis confirmed their approach. With a harsh breath through his nose, Alex spoke confidently. "It's true, it was just an accident. Most of the guys were getting ready to take lunch so they didn't see it firsthand. Luis and I were talking when he walked over to the poolside to grab something, I made a comment about his mother, so he turned to respond but kept walking backwards, that's when he tripped and fell in."

It was quiet again. The cop had his hands on his hips now, both eyes squinted and his lips comically pursed. The paramedics stood on either side of the stretcher, waiting to take him away. The cop then snickered and looked to Luis, then back to them.

"Well that's more of an elaboration than I got." He stated, then pressed for more information. "What about his hand? I'm no doctor, but it looks like it could be broken."

Alex smirked, "I guess we should let them come to a conclusion, seeing as they are doctors."

His face got a little red with anger, but he took a deep breath and hummed with a smile.

Paul interrupted. "Officer, as much as his mouth may get ahead of him, he's right. These men have a job to do." He gestured, but the cop didn't break eye contact.

In silence, he lowered his arms and took a few steps in his direction, getting in real close. Alex didn't back away or show any hostility anywhere except for his eyes. They were locked, merely inches apart. The cop took a deep breath through his nose and at the same instance, Alex held his back.

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