12 - Marked for Death

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Positioned in the doorway, unarmed and tense; he shot the group a rigid stare. The group of three rotated towards him, save for the one person still rummaging through his car. As Alex dropped down the first two steps, the person by the front tire tugged on the leg of whoever was rummaging within. They clambered out, shaking their dark sweatshirt of glass and keeping their face hidden by a hood just like the other two.

It was dark now. Without a moon or any stars in the sky, their faces were entirely concealed by the shadows. Despite that, he could tell by their shoulders and the way they stood that it was more than likely three guys. He approached them with balled fists, reaching the cracked pavement and allowing them to move in closer.

The guy who was leaning into the car moved over to Alex's right side, "The fuck you want man? Mind your own business or we'll fuck you up."

"For real, get lost asshole!" The person with a grey sweatshirt positioned himself on Alex's left. His voice was shaky as the other two boxed him in.

Alex took in a long breath, "Actually, it is my business. That's my car, and you shit-birds are gonna pay for a new window."

The bat kid on his right gave another threat, "Don't think you're so tough. You're outnumbered."

He took a moment to assess them. Grey sweatshirt on his left, seemingly unarmed. Guy who dug through his car has a bat and is at the ready on his right. Last mystery guy dead ahead, seems relaxed and has no exposed weapon.

Alex smirked, "By the sound of your voices, I'd say you kids are. . . what, between sixteen and twenty?" He assumed.

They snickered, "The fuck's that matter?" One of them asked.

"That means I'm pretty sure none of you pussies have a gun." Alex stated.

Their silence was all the confirmation he needed.

"Looks like I'm right, which means this won't be a problem at all."

The character in the middle stood confidently, head hung low and hands loosely by his side. Hasn't uttered a word.

Grey sweatshirt kid on his left addressed him, trembling. "L-last chance."

"For me, or you?" Alex sneered.

The guy standing on his right gripped the bat tight in both hands and abruptly ran at him, raising the bat over his head and bringing it down like a fire-axe. Alex stepped to the side and the wooden tip splintered as it hit the pavement, echoing a loud crack noise through the streets. Alex then swung and knocked the kid to the ground with one hard punch to the side of his head.

The guy on his left had already closed the gap and tried to punch him but Alex slapped his weak fist aside and grabbed his sweatshirt at the chest. He quickly pulled back the kids hood to reveal a pudgy teen with short blonde hair and a peach fuzz mustache. Alex then scoffed and shoved him hard on his ass.

Amidst that action the bat kid swung and cracked the fractured tip into Alex's back, causing him to stumble forward, right into the unarmed guy who swiftly drove a fist straight into his nose and then follow up with an upper cut. This staggered him back again, but he recovered his balance and planted his feet just in time for the guy on his right to swing again. This time Alex caught the fat end of the bat in both hands, absorbing the shock into his arm and pulled the bat inward, dragging the kid in with it.

With his left-hand, Alex punched him in the jaw once, then twice and the third hit send him falling backwards, releasing his grip on the bat. Alex stood tall with a trail of blood dripping from his nose and split his attention between the pudgy kid and quiet kid in the middle.

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