14 - Si Vis Amari, Ama

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Now his mind buzzed with a cacophony of potential outcomes. Though, none so important as the event which followed the job today. Wasting no time leaving the trailer, he jogged straight for his car and opened the back door. Leaning in just behind the driver's seat, he reached down to the floor and retrieved a small plastic container. Inside was a stick of deodorant, screwdrivers, hand towel and flashlight.

He casually grabbed the deodorant and applied it liberally before returning the stick to the box and sliding it part-way under the seat. He shut the door softly and spread his legs apart to slap away all dirt or dust on his clothing. Feeling the slightest bit cleaner, he climbed into the front seat and let his feet rest on the dry dirt. Closing his eyes, he examined the quality of air and relished in its purity. The sound of cars starting up in the parking lot, branches scraping, and faint voices resonating was enough to put him in a lull.

Reminded of his exhaustion, his head bobbed forward a few times; walking the tightrope of a daydream; reminiscing of summer days as a child and adult alike. Comparing one cherished day at the beach when he was seven, to an empowering afternoon waxing his car when it was still new to him. Transported back to those precious moments; he could taste the air back then too.

Stomach bustling, he exhaled slowly through his lips and debated on going inside to the vending machine; but that thought was quickly dismissed when he heard the approaching clatter of the crew. Leaning on his knees, he raised his head with tired eyes and watched the escort turn the corner. Immediately he was the focus of Leonard who stayed at the front. On cue, the nearby van deposited the same two guys as before who took position to load them up.

As the group passed him, their clamor simmered to nothing as they formed a line by the van doors. Scratching his head, Alex looked away from them and stared at the ground; feeling a weight on his body he couldn't explain. But then, his senses heightened, and he whipped his head to the side to see Leonard standing by the taillight.

He stood there, frozen; bald head covered now by a baseball cap. Oddly enough making him less intimidating. He had this look about him; one that scrutinized Alex's posture, clothes, eyes and smell. A sensation so disturbingly intrusive, that it had no name. Then, a hand was placed harshly on his shoulder. Leonard tensed up as the hired security spoke.

"Get in the van, Leo." This gruff, bearded man demanded.

Leonard kept his eyes locked onto Alex, spewing vile intent into the air with every passing second. The man pulled on his shoulder, "Now!"

In response, Leonard pulled his shoulder away and decked him in the face; staggering him to the side. Alex's fist quickly bound as Leonard reached for him, taking hold of his shirt and pulling him out of the car. The two slipped in the loose dirt as their struggle shifted their balance. Alex's hand hit the ground to catch him from falling, while Leo brought his boot up into his stomach once, then again in his ribs. Alex coughed harshly, caught off guard by the whole thing; his face pressed into the chalky earth.

By the time the second kick impacted, both the hired security tackled him to the ground while the school-provided police reigned in the rest of the crew.

"Get on the fucking ground!" One of the men shouted.

Leo grunted like an animal, his skin vascular and eyes bloodshot. The crew watched him forced to the ground by one guy while the other quickly tied restraints around his wrists. Leo was salivating, shaking his head and muttering gibberish.

Alex got himself up off the ground, holding his torso with one hand. Lifting his palm away, he noted the new blood on his skin. Upon seeing this, the pain of a wound now split wider washed over him. Everyone made way for Leonard to get fully restrained and loaded into the van in solitary. By the time he climbed inside, he had gone silent; whispering what almost sounded like an apology, concerning and confusing Alex even more.

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