18 - Upheaval

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Twenty minutes went by like nothing, and Alex found himself slowed down with the music reduced significantly.

That burst had simmered, but the feeling remained vigilant. By now, he had turned off the highway and entered some barren city outskirts. A rough-looking desolate land of concrete and degraded city utilities.

Almost every building they passed by appeared to be falling apart or shut down. It wasn't a ghost town, far from it, but the people who were seen walking along the road or coming in and out of small businesses seemed less than stable.

"This place looks trashy as shit." TJ observed.

Alex turned the car down another road. "Luckily we don't have to go too deep. Dirk's is right up this road."

"We still gotta walk around and find food." Concern laced in his words.

"We'll be fine." He stated with dismissive confidence.

Traveling down this tight, rugged road made them both feel somewhat skeptical. Tall brick walls and thin alleyways cast many dark shadows in the already desaturated world. Only a couple hundred feet down this path and a big red sign with a mustard yellow border came into view.

It was a small gas station with only two pumps and a little pit stop. The driveway was a slight ramp and held enough space only for the two pumps and maybe a couple cars along the sides of the nearby buildings. Beyond the gas station was the garage he sought.

Two garage doors rusted all around and generally not very accommodating. He drove past the pumps, avoiding the many scattered potholes in his way and pulled up to one of the large, closed entries. He shifted the car to park and watched the small windows on either side of the doors. He waited to see someone look through the curtain or poke their head out of the regular sized door just to the left, but it was quiet. A moment or two later, he heard a low rumble and the garage door started to raise.

Accepting the invitation, he gently rolled the car forward. As the grey light from outside poured into the garage, he saw a younger skinny kid guiding him forward with lazy hand gestures. This kid was covered in grease and had the face of a tired old pug; though he seemed to be only in his early twenties. He held out his hand, instructing Alex to stop the car then he gave a signal which translated to turn it off.

The garage door began to immediately close behind them with a loud corroded whirring that reverberated in the surrounding concrete. After the car went quiet, he retrieved the check from the glove box and the two climbed out; shutting the doors behind them.

The first thing he noticed in here was the potent stink of garbage and oil. Four or so scattered plastic garbage cans were carelessly full or tipped over against the far walls. Splotches of water damage in the plaster walls and piles of cat litter at the feet of scattered toolboxes made Alex second-guess his choice.

They each stood on their respective sides, letting their eyes wander around. Alex first checked on TJ, who seemed brazenly uncomfortable. His shoulders were tucked in and both of his hands rested in his sweater pocket. The look on his face was grit and selective; choosing to avoid this skinny guy in his wandering gaze.

That guy waited at the front of the car; lanky arms drooped by his side and a slack jawed expression leering between TJ and the car. Before long, a new set of footsteps approached from their left out of a little room.

"You Alex?" This person asked with a deep, exasperated voice.

Acutely turning, he saw this new guy slowly trot over. This man appeared to be over six feet tall and well over two-hundred and fifty pounds. Immediately intimidating and hard to look at without his nostrils flaring. He wore a big trucker hat and tan overalls with many rips and mis-matched patches. His eyes were evidently small in comparison to his scruffy goatee and wiry eyebrows. A look of general discontent almost challenged the two.

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