10 - Disillusion

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The shrill squeak of the hinges declared his departure and all at once his brain was swarming with new ideas and perspective. The heat from the lobby briefly coated his skin until he exited out onto the walkway. Once outside, he took in the fresh air and listened to his ears ring, leftover from the constant barrage of the sawblade. The air was pure, moist and chilled. Looming grey clouds persisted and threatened that same rain from this morning, but apparently is refusing to start.

In his peripheral, he noticed Thomas turn the corner of the building by the road. Picking up the pace a little, his boots clapped across the pavement as he made his way in that direction. Upon reaching the edge of the brick, he saw the kid had slowed down to a crawl in the middle of the dirt driveway, his head crooked to the right.

"Hey, kid." Alex called and closed in on him.

He stopped and turned, keeping his hands stuffed in his sweater pockets. His voice was soft, "Hey."

Planting his boots in the muddy road as well, Alex too directed his eyes towards the dirt lot.

Intrigue took over as he witnessed the crew all huddled around that windowless van he had seen earlier. The school security separated from them and started moving this way as the doors whipped open; revealing two large men in what seemed to be protective gear. One approached the group and had them all step back, while the other opened the back doors.

Alex and Thomas ogled the scene, though it seemed Alex was the only one confused at what he was seeing. On their person were what appeared to be batons, stun guns and a chest rig. They looked mean, short on patience and willing to get physical. The one reaching inside the van retracted with plastic containers and began passing them out to each member.

"The hell is this?" Alex whispered.

Thomas sighed loudly, "Strict parole. They get carted to and from work."

"Are they seriously bad news?"

He shrugged, "To some people. They all have their own story. . ."

"But this. . . isn't it overboard?"

"It's a precaution. If you knew some of these guys, you might think this isn't enough."

"And you know them?" Alex looked to him.

Thomas pulled up his pants a little, never looking away from the group. "Not my place to share."

Alex shook his head gently. "I gotta get to my car, now I kinda don't wanna go over there." He chuckled.

"Don't be a baby." Thomas replied in monotone.

"I'm just joking. Anyway, where you headed?"

"I was gonna take a short walk, grab a bite." He replied slowly. "You wanna come with?"

Alex crooked his head a little. "You wanna have lunch with me?" He responded with genuine confusion.

Thomas shrugged, "Yeah, I mean if you want."

Alex appeared uncertain. His eyes shifted to his car, then his head craned to the corner of the building where he had come from. A pause; nothing but a gentle wind and the sound of banter between the crew.

Thomas noticed his reluctance, responding with a drawl in his voice. "Ah, gotcha." The kid turned away from the lot and took two steps down the road.

"Woah, wait." Alex said hastily. "What's up?"

Thomas stopped, and turned back to him. "You gonna see that girl again." He said plainly.

His mouth hung open for a second, then he nodded slowly. "Yeah. That was the plan."

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