25 - Corollary

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Occasional bright flashes lit up the dark living room as gunfire sparked the screen. The impact of the scene lessened with the lack of volume and almost nullified any interest in the moving picture. A movie that neither of them knew occupied their eyes while dinner was consumed; right on time as always. Sweet corn, green beans and baked chicken; a meal that took little to no effort to make but fulfilled the obligation.

It was a quiet moment they shared; all finishing the last bites before bed and enjoying the presence of family. Soon the food was picked clean, their bellies were full and they each assumed a comfortable position on the couch to indulge in each other's presence before bed. A beer in one hand and his arm around the love of his life, they leaned back and watched the movie in silence, as Kim rested her tired head on Rachel's lap, falling asleep.

His heart was calm, mind swimming in the colors of the movie and only a light throbbing from his knuckle; the result of a venting session which involved a particular tree. Blissful, as of now; he focused on the immediate world.

Careful not to move a lot, he rotated his head to see his sweet little girl taken by dreams. Laying on her side, facing the TV, her shoulder rose and sank with each long breath. Rachel caught him watching and they locked eyes, exchanging a loving smile before turning back to the TV.

Ten or so minutes pass, and the screen flashing in the dark was beginning to hurt his eyes. A yawn enveloped him, and he set the beer on the table beside the dirty plate. This motion caused Kim to stir, rolling onto her back. Rachel looked to him and whispered.

"Do you want to carry her upstairs, while I get the dishes?"

He matched her volume. "Sure."

She patted his thigh and then slid her hand under Kim's head; supporting her neck while she stood and let Alex scoot in to take her place. This motion stirred the little one; making small noises and lip-smacking noises. With her head now on his leg and Rachel tip-toeing to the kitchen, he leaned forward and brushed her wavy hair out of her face. Her eyes fluttered, half looking at him and half consumed by blur.

"Hey there kiddo, ready for bed?" He said sweetly.

Her skull heavy, she nodded. "Mhm."

She hoisted herself up onto wobbly arms and reached up; wrapping around his neck. Rachel smiled as she collected dishes and watched him shimmy out from between the couch and table; scooping one hand under her butt and bringing her in close. Taking it slow, he dragged his feet over to the hallway, up the stairs and pushed her door open with his foot. Standing in the doorway, a small amount of light from the moon outside crept in the window, giving him enough light to see the furniture and a doll in his path.

He stepped over the toy and carefully ventured to her bed where he tugged at the corner of the blanket. With the comforter pulled to the side, he set her on the sheet and pulled the blanket over her. She rustled around, digging her head into the pillow and almost disappearing beneath the covers.

When all was still, he took a slow breath and exited the room, leaving the door cracked just enough. Taking care not to stomp down the stairs, he returned to the living room and stopped. Rachel stood by the sink with the kitchen light on, a slow stream of water filled the bowl and one by one she submerged the dirty plates.

Taking his time, he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. At first, she jumped, letting out a surprised Oh, then relaxed and turned off the water. Being held in his arms, she closed her eyes and gently placed her hands on his biceps, burying her head in her shoulder where their faces met, embracing one another.

"Hello." She whispered.

He sighed deeply, "Hi."

"Did she go down easy?"

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