5 - One Humbling Step

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Eight in the morning. 

An in-between time that always seemed to escape his memory; where five hours of sleep felt like a mere two and a half. In the early days of school and church, seven was the time where his mind was stricken awake by a blaring alarm or a belligerent father. Being forced to shake off sleep while clinging to one last whisper of a dream as his body played out the tiresome motions. Berated for his sluggish motion, scolded by one and encouraged by the other. Just white noise until he could regain some semblance of who he was for the day.

He used to cherish early mornings; a time where in one moment he was in bed, warm and nuzzled in a soft cocoon of imagination where reality had no hold; then in the next he was in a car or a bus, onward to a destination he had no interest in. Time just seemed to rush by while the sun was still young, now everything moves so slow.

Taking a long drag from his cigarette, he held the toxin within his lungs before releasing it out the crack in the window and at the same time tapping the burnt powder from the tip. The acidic burn in his chest and throat solidified his consciousness and subdued the immense hunger he felt. Having left the apartment ten minutes later than he planned, a stop was not possible if he were to arrive on time.

As his foot pressed harder on the peddle and his speed gradually increased, the car began to whine and rumble; its fragile components pleading for a tune-up. Every clunk beneath the hood, every scrape of metal that attempted to halt his steering wheel was noted in his mind; he knew each and every problem this car had and how to fix it, but his budget would not allow the car to find peace. The only remedy he could offer was a gentle pat on the dashboard and a hush of understanding.

Finishing his smoke, it was discarded out the window and then rolled up. The weather today was mild; clouds drifted far above with cracks for the sun to glance at the desperate population. It has been a strange Autumn, colder and decaying. However, Alex didn't mind one bit. He preferred the cold which is one big reason why he wants to ditch this place. The suffocating heat, dry winds and crusted elderly population was enough to drive anyone insane, yet time and time again people abandon the East and stay here for the winters.

His subconscious mind hung onto those thoughts while his body continued to drive on autopilot. His vacant eyes shifted around the road. Observing every inch of the pale grey sky and muted colors of the land. This road was devoid of life, save for the occasional semi or workhorse such as himself. A harsh yawn consumed him and dragged the car over the white line for just a moment before he recovered. Finally, the exit he was searching for came into view and he applied pressure to the brakes. A screaming honk blared past him as he pulled onto the off-ramp, making him jump in his skin and turn to flip off the other driver.

The ramp spiraled downward in a half-circle until he was met by an abrupt yield sign at the bottom. He came to a full stop and checked his rear mirror to ensure nobody was behind him while he collected his bearings. To his left he could see a business street with fast food and car dealerships that was bustling with traffic.

To his right, the highway continued under a bridge that he had just driven across and continued in another endlessly straight line that was, albeit, less occupied but still had its fair share of buildings; residential and gas stations. Then his eyes focused on a large sign directly ahead from where he had stopped. A big green slab with a decorative border which read Oakland. Referring to the notes he had taken from Paul, he turned right and continued his long drive. Checking the time on the dashboard, confirming his arrival was on schedule.

The road he drove along quickly transitioned from rugged and worn to smooth and well-kept. A noticeable change that stole pieces of his focus as he allowed his eyes to linger on the pavement and sidewalks. Each building he glided past appeared neat and colorful; aesthetically pleasing for tourists. The early morning sun began to peek through the clouds and light up many buildings, casting their tall shadows along the manicured lawns.

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