16 - Sirius

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The dirt pathway which guided them through the brush had many pebbles and twigs that persistently lodged into the grips of their shoes. The flatbed of crag and dirt was more than wide enough for them to walk side by side and have a comfortable gap all around. As of now, the walk itself was refreshing on its own. Living in a rundown ass-crack of a city made him really appreciate the amount of color and variety that surrounded them.

The forest was spaced enough to have a few feet between lines of trees; a surreal collage of birch and oak teeming with wildlife and energy. Occasional roots attempted to trip them up now and again and the sounds of the small forest kept his attention focused, yet equally allowed his mind to roam freely.

Harmony comes to mind when thinking of how he could describe this place to his aunt. Overhead, the pale blue sky attempted to reach them through the shade, but he didn't mind being obscured at this time. Not seeing the sky entirely gave him a notion of secrecy; like they were the only people here and nothing could interfere with the space they shared.

She spoke, "Well city-boy, enjoying yourself?"

Taking in a fresh breath through his nostrils, he kept looking ahead. "It's crazy. Like, I've been in nature of course, but this place is wild." He gestured behind them, "And that field is something else."

A smile and a nod, "When I had more free time, I would bike along this trail and sometimes come here with my friend Nathan. He has this big golden retriever who would just launch after tennis balls."

"Nathan? He one of your school friends?" His tone got the slightest bit lower.

"Yeah, I've known him a long time. Really nice guy; wants to be an engineer."

Alex dipped two fingers into his pocket. "That's ambitious."

"For sure." She replied, "Anyway, we're gonna be coming up to the pond soon. If the foliage impressed you, then you're in for a real nice surprise." She seemed excited for him.

"Can't wait." He responded quietly.

His mind shifted back to the first steps he took into the park. The pond stayed centered in his thoughts the moment he learned of it; and since then, he's been anxious to see. That brief hook on some guy Nathan was dismissed and forgotten about as he gave her a few warm looks. The slinging of her canvas bag was the pendulum that stole awareness; until he broke the connection and cleared his throat.

For some odd reason, a searing headache crawled up the back of his neck and spread across his skull like oil spreading flame. Wincing, his hand reached up and rubbed behind his ear; trying not to draw attention. All at once it subsided and he was left with a wet nose and bloodshot eyes. At that moment, the trail started to curve harshly to the right and the thickness of trees reduced. Gaps widened, wind became more prominent and the swaying grass was laid out like a red carpet.

Leaving the dirt path in their wake, the new open space was revealed to curious and familiar eyes. The forest continued on their left but was pushed back about twenty feet from the mouth of the pathway. Straight ahead he could see the other trail and rustling shadows which formed from identical trees. The space between each trail was somewhere in the realm of a hundred yards of open space and a blue sky.

Rachel skipped ahead, leaving him dragging his feet while his brain processed the shimmering water. He watched her bounce over to the edge, passing by the lone bench with an endless view. She paused and let the bag fall to the ground. Another step forward, then both hands curled together behind her back. A warmness spread across his face and his shoulders loosened entirely.

He took his time catching up to her. When he did, he took the space on her right side and she met his presence with a tilted look and powerful, gentle smile. Looking into her eyes, he was mesmerized by the inspiring blue that surpassed even this natural beauty. Not a word was uttered. She unclasped her own hands and reached out for one of his; taking it softly between her fingers and giving a light squeeze before directing her sight forward.

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