Smudged Eyeliner

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I yawned and slowly opened my eyes. Bill was still fast asleep on the floor while Tom groaned and sat up to the sound of their morning alarm. He smacked his lips and rubbed his eyes, peering around.

"Bill, wake up!" He yelled, kicking at his twin on the floor. When Bill ignored the kicks, Tom huffed before an idea popped into his head. With a mischievous grin, he turned to me.

"You see those drawers next to his bed? Open the first one and get the eyeliner." 

I raised a suspicious eyebrow but complied anyways. Doing as Tom asked, I opened Bill's drawer and took the eyeliner, then handed it to Tom. He grabbed it out of my hand and cackled. He then proceeded to draw some...inappropriate images on his brother's face. I gasped and laughed at the sight. Proud of himself, Tom smiled and returned the eyeliner back to its original place. 

"Oh, Billyyyy!" He sang cheerfully, pinching his brother's nose, waking him up. He groggily swatted Tom's hand away and sat up, rubbing his face. Confused as to why I was staring and laughing, he looked at his hand to find black eyeliner smeared all over it. 

"Tom, what did you do." He demanded, to which Tom pointed to the bathroom. Bill rushed to see what had happened, and I heard a loud groan of impatience. Composing myself, I walked in to assist him.

"I didn't realise he was gonna draw that, I promise." I said, while he scrubbed vigorously at his cheek.

"I believe you, he pulls stuff like this all the time. Ugh, it won't come off!" He pouted angrily.

"Here," I took the wipe from him and started cleaning it off. Bill sighed and smiled at me.

"Thank you." He said, his cheeks flushing pink. I kissed his cheek and finished cleaning the rest of the obscenities from his face. Now he was blushing furiously, and I felt my own cheeks warm up.

"What's taking you guys so long, you aren't fucking in there are you?" Tom yelled from back in the room.

"No! God, is that all you think about?" Bill responded, and there was a long pause.

"Maybe," His twin said simply, and he facepalmed. I laughed a little, fidgeting slightly. It was a little hot in there, or maybe that was just my face blushing. I looked back at Bill and noticed he'd slept in his eyeliner from yesterday. 

Man, his smudged eyeliner was hot.

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