Where's Bill?

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White noise, and one hell of a headache. Good morning to you too! The universe had really been treating me recently. It took a few moments to realise what exactly had happened, and when I did, I jolted upright and looked around the hospital room for everyone. I prayed to the Heavens that nobody else was injured in the break in. I saw Tom, Gustav and Georg all crowded round my bed, asking incomprehensible questions and wearing excited but worried expressions. Where's Bill? I wondered. Then, I remembered the thud right before I blacked out. The thud of another body other than my own hitting the ground. It wasn't him, It couldn't be him.

"(Name) are you okay?" Gustav asked softly as tears brimmed my eyes. 
"They probably have amnesia..I read about it in a magazine," Tom said, "Do you remember how old you are?" 
I gave him an unamused look, "I don't have amnesia, dumbass. Is Bill okay?" 
He shrugged, making my heart drop. "He was pretty messed up after what happened."

Suddenly, it felt as though all my worst suspicions had been confirmed and I abruptly shot out of bed, a searing pain shooting through my side.

"I really don't think you should-" A nurse began, but it was too late. I'd already rushed off to the front desk, panicking for Bill's safety.

"Do you have a Bill Kaulitz here?" I was about to burst with anticipation while the lady clacked away at her keyboard. She had to be at least 80 because she looked like a haggard old slug and moved at the pace of one too. Just as my impatience was about to peak, a voice startled me.

"(Name), you're okay!" 

I turned around to see who had called my name, and sure enough there was Bill at the vending machine, a wide grin on his face at the sight of me.

"Bill! I was worried about you! I thought..." I shook my head, not wanting to ruin the positive moment. Some things are better left unsaid. He nodded, knowing exactly what I meant. We just stood smiling at one another, a light blush forming on my cheeks.

"No, we don't have a Bill Kaulitz he-" The receptionist started talking like an ancient tortoise, to which I shot her a deathly glare.

"Don't you dare say another word, lady. You've tested my patience enough."

Bill raised an eyebrow at me, chuckling slightly and running up to give me a long hug. Slightly shocked, but very happily, I returned the hug.

"Oh just get it over with and fuck already." Tom huffed from across the waiting room, making a mother scowl at him and cover her daughter's ears. He winked at her and Bill rolled his eyes disapprovingly at his twin, pulling away from the hug.

"Shut up, Tom." 
Tom mimicked him before groaning. "Whatever, can we just go already?"
"I think we'd all like that." Bill smiled softly and winked at me. 

Lord, this boy drives me crazy.


Don't worryyy, I'll tell y'all who the person that fell was and more about what happened after they blacked out next chapter☺️

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