Popcorn Duet

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We woke up, a little later than usual, since the band were taking a day to relax. I however didn't have the luxury of relaxation since I was going in for an interview at the theatre. Bill assisted me in getting ready. Picking an outfit, styling my hair and doing my makeup etc.

He hummed a tune while flicking a line of black in the crease of my eye, and touching up my eyeshadow. I laughed a little at his concentration face. His brows were furrowed and his tongue was peeking out the corner of his mouth while he worked.

"Whattt?" He whined at my quiet laughing.

"Your tongue pokes out when you're focused," I explained, grinning when his face is tinted red. "It's pretty adorable, don't worry" I added reassuringly, causing his blush to deepen. Feeling a slight warmth at my own cheeks, I smiled. 

When Bill was finally finished with my look, I grinned at myself in the mirror. If his music career ever went downhill, at least he could turn to being a stylist.

"Thanks Bill, I love it!" I enthused, while he beamed proudly. We exited from the bathroom and sat on either side of his bed with our legs crossed.

"I'll be the interviewer, and..Well, you answer my questions. Got it?" He said, and I nodded in reply. "So, why are you interested in working here, (Name)?" Bill asked, tilting his head, awaiting my response. He was taking this mock interview seriously, which was rather funny, however I decided to mirror his seriousness anyways.

"I recently moved over here from England, so I need to find a stable source of income. I'm also quite the film fanatic" I said brightly, and he pretended to jot down some notes.

"Why do you think you'll be a good fit here?" He questioned,  and I thought for a moment.

"I'm a very fast learner, enthusiastic about movies, and very flexible with my shifts." I said confidently, and Bill fake sobbed.

"I think you're ready..I am just so proud." He sounded like an emotional soccer mom. 

I sighed with determination and smiled.

"Should we get going then?" I asked, checking the clock on the wall. I didn't want to make a bad first impression by being late. He agreed and we made our way out to order a taxi, as to not be swarmed by paparazzi.

When we finally got there, Bill patted my leg reassuringly.

"You'll do great in there! Just remember your training." He said as if he was Mr Miyagi and I was Daniel Larusso before the big karate tournament. I couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the thought.

"Yes sensei," I teased and waved him goodbye. The movie theatre's exterior was pretty standard, with the screenings of the day on big lit-up signs, and a red carpet leading to the inside. I made my way in and headed to where all the popcorn and beverages were. I was greeted by a familiar blonde who shrieked upon my arrival.

"OMG, (Name)! You came for the interview?" Heidi squealed excitedly.

"Yeah! Where is the interview anyways?" I queried, and she directed me to a small room where an official looking lady was sat behind a laptop. I assumed that was the manager. I knocked on the door politely before she beckoned me in.

"Hello! You must be (Name)! Heidi was very excited to recommend you a place here." She said, offering me a hand to shake. I shook it and took a seat on the opposite end of the desk. Her name tag read, "Laura".

"Thank you..Laura." I smiled, awaiting the typical interview questions. She chuckled a little, taken aback at my knowledge of her name before realising I must've looked at the name tag.

"Observant I see, I'll take note of that." She nodded and started clicking away at her keyboard.

I sat anxiously as she did so. Was that good? Her expression remained neutral, as did her tone, so there was no way of telling. Then she looked back up from her screen, and began with the boring predictable questions. I answered them all without error or hesitation, and Laura was visibly impressed, as by the end of it all she wore a small grin on her face.

"Very intelligent, had no trouble answering these questions, and a very admirable personality. I'd say that ticks all my boxes!" She beamed and I bit my lip in anticipation. "Welcome to the team!" She announced and I could hardly contain my excitement.

"Thank you so much! I promise I'll work hard." I assured her and walked out of the small office. Instantly Heidi flew over to ask if I'd got the job.

"I did!" I announced happily and she gasped, shoving a bag of popcorn in my hands as a celebratory gift.

"Really?! That's amazing! When do you start?" 

"This Monday coming!" I responded much to her excitement.

"Great! I'll see you then!" She hugged me quickly again and made her way back behind the counter to serve some customers. I pulled out my phone and called Bill to tell him the good news.

"I'm so proud of you!" He yelled enthusiastically. "I'm on my way to get you now!"

"You do realise I can hear you through the phone without you shouting, right?" I laughed a little and there was a brief pause on the other end of the line.

"My bad.." He chuckled sheepishly and we said our goodbyes until he arrived to pick me up. I hopped in the taxi and was instantly met with a hug from Bill.

"I knew you could do it!" 

I smiled and hugged him back. "Not without you though."

He pulled away, a slight blush on his cheeks. We both clicked our seatbelts on as the car began to drive back to the hotel.

On the way, Umbrella by Rihanna started playing and we both sang along, munching popcorn as we did so.

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