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Bill looked in the mirror and pulled at his face, in an attempt to fully wake up. He sighed and muttered various motivational affirmations while fixing up his makeup and smiling.

"Thanks for your help, I might've actually killed Tom if it hadn't come off." 

I laughed a little and nodded my head, "No problem"

We both exited from the bathroom, and Tom was flicking through the pages of some magazine. Bill arched a surly eyebrow at him, to which his brother gave him a nasty look and discarded the mag. 

"Heidi Klum is sooo hot!" He gasped and bit his lip. Bill rolled his eyes at the other boy and started rummaging through his drawers for an outfit.

"Isn't she like 30?" He shuddered, however I don't think Tom cared. I sat on the edge of his bed and played with my rings.

"Would you mind lending me an outfit?" I asked clumsily. 

"I actually have one just in case something like this ever happened," He replied and I raised my eyebrows.

"Really?" I was genuinely surprised.

He laughed a little at my question. "I was being sarcastic, dummkopf." 

"I knew that!" I pouted, and he ruffled my hair.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night..." 

I gave him an unimpressed side glance, before a pair of jeans and a shirt landed on my head.

"Wear this, it'll fit you best." He smiled, and I thanked him.

Inspecting the selected outfit, I made my way into the bathroom. There was a pair of low-rise jeans, a chunky white belt embroidered with rhinestones, and a black shirt which reached just above my belly button. I got changed and styled my hair into a pair of spiky buns, humming at my reflection. Content with my appearance, I walked back into the room. Bill looked me up and down then grinned.

"I like that outfit on you. You can keep it, if you want!" He said, making my cheeks burn up. Tom whistled at me, then jumped up.

"Sexy, but unfortunately we have things to do so no time to waste!" He clapped Bill on the back, earning him a scowl from his twin. I knew Tom was a bit of a womanizer, however I never anticipated for him to be this  flirty. Bill linked arms with me and grinned, then we walked out to the tour bus to meet with Georg and Gustav. 

"What took you guys so long?" Gustav asked, checking the time on his watch. Me and Bill both turned to Tom who gasped dramatically.

"Wow you guys, I can't believe you'd blame me." He wiped an invisible tear from his eye, and I laughed at his antics.

"Picasso over here decided to draw all over my face in eyeliner." Bill explained, while Tom chuckled at the memory. Georg and Gustav shrugged at each other, and we boarded the bus. I found myself sitting by the window next to Bill.

"But that's my seat!" Tom whined, and Bill shot him a nasty look as if to say shut up. He raised his hands in defeat, and took his place next to Georg. I watched out the window as the bus drove off, and Bill dug through his bag for something. He ended up pulling out a phone and placing it in my hand. 

"What's this for?" I asked, opening it.

"Just in case you ever need me while we're out in future," He smiled as I went to the contacts. "My number's already on there, see?" 

He'd set his contact name as "Bill✈️❤️" which I grinned at. I put the phone away in my pocket and yawned. It was still way earlier than I'd usually wake up, and before I knew it I'd drifted to sleep on Bill's shoulder.

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