Happy Birthday

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Dear Diary,

We've officially been in America for 2 weeks now and everything's perfect with the band. Well, almost. Me and Bill are good; friendly. That's the problem. Neither one of us have even breathed a word of us kissing and it's killing me. Whatever, maybe it was a mistake. What else...It's my birthday! The band has something planned, but it's a secret. We're actually almost there now. Cya xoxo!!!

I closed my diary and put it away back in my bag as the limo pulled up to the surprise we were going to. It was a huge fancy nightclub with a red carpet leading up to the entrance where two security guards stood. I cocked an eyebrow at the gang and Tom smirked back at me. 

"I have connections," He shrugged nonchalantly, well aware and proud in the fact that all of us were too young to be clubbing. I chuckled, rolling my eyes at him and stepped out into the crisp night air. I felt a hand tapping at my shoulder and turned around to face Bill.

"Uhm," He coughed sheepishly, "Hey" He flashed me a dopey grin which I returned with a stiff wave and an awkward laugh. I saw his grin falter for a second as we started walking into the club. "We need to talk." He suddenly announced and I nodded in response.

"Drinks first" I smiled and he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. We sat down at the bar, I ordered a couple martinis as he cleared his throat.

"So, we kissed." He started, flushing crimson, but shaking it off. I took a sip of my drink and nodded slowly, perhaps a little cautiously. "What did that mean?"

The question caught me slightly off guard, and honestly I wasn't quite sure how to respond. My eyes flicked over to some couches where Tom was having himself a good time with women much too old for him. Avoiding the question, I stood up abruptly.

"Tom's getting himself into trouble. I'll...be right back." I winced at my not-so-smooth change of subjects.

Bill regarded me for a second before nodding. I sighed in relief and went over to Tom.

"Paws off him, he's seventeen, go fuck someone your own age." I spat at them, earning me an unimpressed glare from Tom. I sat next to him, careless of his annoyance.

"Do you mind putting off being a playboy for a minute? I need help." I said, his expression transforming into a smug grin.

"Ah, seeking advice from the god of romance at last. I wondered how long it'd take for you to come to me. Now, look. I know Bill's dick is small but he has a big heart-" 

I groaned and stopped him there, regretting wanting to take advice from Tom of all people. Seriously, what was I thinking? He raised his hands defensively as I explained the actual issue.

"You like him?" Tom questioned, to which I nodded. "You want to be with him?" I smiled and nodded again. 

"I just don't know how to say it," I admitted, and Tom sighed.

"True love comes naturally. If it's real, the moment will come to you." He said matter-of-factly, taking me by surprise.

"Damn Romeo, it looks like I underestimated you. Thanks." I hugged him tightly and planted a small kiss on his cheek. I turned back to look at the bar and saw Bill watching us, a heartbroken frown on his face. He caught me looking at him and rolled his eyes, taking off.

"I need to go...sorry for crashing your whore party!" I yelled over my shoulder as I started following Bill outside. When I made it to the doorway, I called his name, and he turned to face me.

"What." He said impatiently. I took a deep breath and locked eyes with him, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"It meant- It meant..." I looked up at the ceiling, struggling to find the words. He took a few steps towards me and held my hands in his.

"Say it..Three words, eight letters. Say it and I'm yours." He said quietly, a small hint of desperation in his tone. 

"I love you." I whispered. His hands snaked around my waist and my eyelids fluttered closed as our lips locked. This kiss was different from at the airport, it wasn't short and sweet. It was long and loving. It confirmed our feelings, and put our fears to rest. It was electric. 

"Will you be mine?" He asked as we pulled away from the kiss, his hands cupping my face.

"If you'll have me." I replied, grinning like an idiot.

Dear Diary, 

Birthday wishes really can come true. Have a little faith.


I know I said there'd be three more chapters but unfortunately this book has come to the final chapter. It's time to move on, as much as I loved this book and I love you guys' comments and support, it's the end. For now. It's time to put all of my energy into a new project which I hope everyone will love just as much as this one. I love y'all!!!

JUMBIE !! 'Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now