Don't Look Back

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Follow my new tt acct😨 I may or may not post some fanfic related things on there later


I woke up to the vibration of a message from my phone. Yawning, I checked what it was and saw a notification from Bill. I smiled to myself, before remembering last night, my smile fading. My stomach lurched, as the reality of the band going away hit me like a rock.

Hey (Name), we're at the airport now! Miss you already!!! The message said. I grinned at his extra use of exclamation marks and held the phone to my chest, trying as hard as I could to not get emotional. Sighing, I looked over at Heidi who was still fast asleep, and I started getting ready. It was 5am, but I knew I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep. As I curled my hair, I thought back to the first time I met Bill and everyone. That was about a month ago now, when I'd offered to fix Jumbie in turn for a place to stay. Instead, I found a home, a family, and I discovered what it meant to fall in love. No amount of repayment on my part could thank them for that.

I looked at the message again, rereading it over and over. Every fibre of my very being was telling me this was wrong, that I shouldn't be here right now. Then it hit me. I knew what I had to do. I quickly rushed over to my suitcase and grabbed out all the remaining money I had to count it. Perfect. Then I found a piece of paper and a pen to write a note for Heidi. The final thing to do was pack the last of my things and leave. I took a deep breath and set the note for Heidi on her bedside table before calling a taxi and leaving.

My heart was practically thumping out of my chest as I walked into the airport waiting area. It was completely packed, causing a small panic to rise within me. Would I find them in time? I started walking around the area, keeping my eyes peeled for a horde of paparazzi or fangirls. I checked the time after a while and bit my lip. Only 8 minutes until we had to board the plane. I started searching more frantically. 5 minutes, 4 minutes, 3 minutes. I began to lose hope when a soft pair of hands covered my eyes from behind and whispered in my ear, "Guess who?"

"Bill?" I gasped, trying to remove his hands from my face. He laughed a little.

"Actually, my name's Kimberly" He joked as I scoffed and he released his hands.

"Kimberly, really?" I raised an eyebrow, turning to face him. He shrugged, laughing.

"It's-" He started saying something but I wasn't paying attention to whatever it was. Time moved in slow motion after that. I stepped onto the tips of my feet and kissed him softly on the lips. Fireworks were going off inside me as I pulled away from his face. What was only a moment seemed like an eternity.

"Sorry!" I yelped, looking down at my shoes. I was just about to apologise more, however Bill lifted my head up by my chin and reciprocated the gesture. I wrapped my arms around his neck while he held my waist. When we finally separated ourselves, he flashed me a dopey grin, his cheeks going red, mine doing the same.

"So..." I drawled, shuffling shyly. He chuckled quietly, rubbing the back of his neck and checking the time.

"Oh shit. I've gotta get back to the others. We're boarding the plane in a minute." He sighed, looking at me sadly. I looked back at him with a small smile.

"What would you do if I said I'm coming with you?" I said. His eyes widened as he saw the passport in my hand and he hugged me tightly.

"Well, then we have to go, now" He grinned and grabbed my free hand. I laughed a little as he dragged me over to the band.

"Bill, we're gonna be late you idiot!" Tom scowled at his brother before seeing me with him. "(Name)!" He dropped everything and snatched me from Bill.

"Hello to you too," I laughed and hugged him.

"Hate to break up the reunion, but we're gonna miss our flight" Georg pointed out while I searched for Gustav. He'd already started walking, and he turned back over to us.

"Hurry your asses up!" He yelled. "Hi (Name)!" He added chirpily. I laughed and we all got on the plane. I convinced Tom to swap seats with me so I could sit next to Bill, which he whined about but soon complied. I think he only ended up agreeing as my original seat was next to a hot girl, which I scolded him for in my head, but was thankful that I could sit in his place.

"You mind if I sit here?" I joked and Bill tapped his chin in mock thought.

"Yeah, sorry. This seat's actually reserved." He played along. I rolled my eyes, laughing and taking the seat anyway. He smiled and took a hold of my hand, making me blush slightly.

I wondered how the press was gonna take this and shuddered. We'd have to wait and find out for that one.

America, here we come!


What will America have in store for the band🤨...

Comment some ideas🤭

JUMBIE !! 'Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now