Smudged Mascara

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After mine and Heidi's shift ended, me Tom and Bill went back to the hotel to get ready.

"I like your little buddy" Tom smirked as we walked into our room. I gave him a threatening side glance, warning him not to play her or I'd, quote unquote, make sure he can't have children. Bill cocked an eyebrow at us both, chuckling slightly.

"I call dibs on using the bathroom!" I announced to which Tom groaned.

"But girls take forever to get ready!" He whined and Bill threw a shoe at his head. Bill snickered as Tom shot him a deathly glare

"Snooze ya loose man." I shrugged, digging through my suitcase for an outfit. When I found a suitable one, I skipped into the bathroom and got ready. I changed into a sparkly black dress and curled my hair. I even did a full face of makeup which was quite rare. I looked in the mirror and nodded contentedly at my appearance before coming back out to the room. The two boys gaped at me to which I gave them a strange look.

"What?" I gasped, "Is my hair static?"

They both shook their heads in unison. "You look-" Tom started.

"Beautiful.." Bill flashed me a goofy grin before coughing. "I- Uhm, let's go!"

I blushed furiously and nodded. We soon made it to Heidi's house, which was more like a mansion. She'd mentioned that her dad owned a big company but I didn't think her family was this loaded.

"Hot and rich. Jackpot!" Tom gasped and I smacked the back of his head. I'd hoped Gustav and Georg would come along too and help me control Tom, however they decided to stay back at the studio and practice instead. The two of them weren't as keen on partying as Bill and Tom. As we walked into the house, Bill slid his arm around my shoulder and grinned down at me. My stomach was doing somersaults and I almost forgot how to breathe. At that moment, I decided that I was indeed in love with Bill Kaulitz. I smiled giddily at him before Heidi rushed over and snatched me away.

"Oh my god, you made it!" She beamed, hugging me and waving at Tom. I laughed a little and whispered in her ear, "Go get him girl." She took a deep breath before saluting me and going to chat with Tom.

"Your friend sure has a lot of energy," He laughed and I hummed in agreement.

"She's probably already a little tipsy too, which doesn't help" I smiled as we walked over to grab a couple of drinks. I watched as Bill poured him and myself one, slightly nervous. I hadn't exactly drunk before, but I just kept that to myself and swallowed down my nerves. 

"Here ya go, m'lady" He said playfully, handing me the drink in a red plastic cup.

"Thank you, good sir" I played along and took a swig from the cup. It tingled the back of my throat and tasted like death, making me screw my face up in disgust. Bill almost spat his drink out when he saw me.

"You've never drunk before have you?" He laughed, my face flushing red.

"I have!" I retorted, making him laugh even harder.

"Hmmm alright, then you wouldn't mind having a chugging contest with me, right?" He challenged and I scoffed.

"Oh, you're on." I accepted the challenge and he grabbed two new bottles of alcohol.

"From the bottle, first to finish wins." He said daringly, and I smirked confidently.

"Lightwork" I waved my hand dismissively. He chuckled and handed me a bottle.

"Ready?" He waited for my nod, "Go!"

I raised the bottle to my lips and drank as fast as I'd ever before. I was not prepared to lose, my pride at stake. I squeezed my eyes shut in discomfort as I swallowed the final drop and slammed the bottle down on the table. Panting, I opened my eyes to Bill laughing in disbelief. "Wow. My bad for doubting you!" 

I nodded in triumph and went to take a step forward, stumbling as I did so. Luckily, Bill caught me before I made it to the ground, chuckling. 

"Welp..That wasn't meant to happen." I laughed awkwardly, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Really? I thought that was totally on purpose!" He replied, and I shot him an unamused look.

"Haha, very funny. Shut up smartass." I pouted as he laughed at me even more. I couldn't help but smile back at him as we locked eyes. It was just for a minute, but it felt like a lifetime. Bill's cheeks went a rosy pink before he stood me back upright. 

"I-I'm gonna go...Find Tom!" He flashed me a clumsy grin and I nodded back.

"Okay! Come find me later" I smiled at him, heading into the living room where a large group of people were playing some sort of game.

"Hey, come join us! We need an even number!" A guy in the circle yelled at me, so I did. As I sat down beside him, he smiled and asked for my name.

"Its (Name), and yours?" 

"Pretty name for a pretty person," He smirked, "Mine's Liam."

"Alright...What's the game?" I asked, and he told me it was Seven Minutes In Heaven. I suppose that explained the big closet against the back wall of the room. Liam explained that they'd spin the bottle on two people, to decide who goes in the closet. It was simple enough, so I nodded and awaited the next round. A few minutes later, two people emerged from the closet all giddy and bruised-necked. They must've been having fun. The rest of the circle all cooed and whistled at them as they sat down. The girl took the bottle and spun it, my heart rate accelerating every time it came close to me, until suddenly it stopped. Liam nudged my side as the bottle came to face me.

I giggled nervously and spun the bottle until it landed on the boy beside me. I sighed in relief that it was at least someone I'd been acquainted with. The group all cheered and giggled as the two of us entered the closet. When we were in there, I wrapped an arm round my body, chuckling awkwardly. It was a rather confined space, so our bodies were practically pushed against one another.

"So..." He laughed sheepishly.

"So," I bit my lip, looking around in embarrassment. He took a deep breath before leaning in to kiss me. Startled at the movement, I turned my face away from his lips.

"What was that for?!" Liam yelled in frustration, grabbing my wrists and making another move. I was stuck to the spot, my brain was telling me to do something about it, but my body was frozen. As his hands started sliding their way up my thighs, I spat in his face and did my signature move, kneeing him straight in the nuts. He gasped and clutched where I'd attacked. I scoffed at him and stormed out of the closet.

"Fuck you, you slimy bastard!" I snarled at him, slamming the door behind me and going to find Bill. I searched around the house and found Heidi with Tom by the back door.

"Have either of you seen Bill around?" I asked, peering around.

"I think he's out in the garden, but-" Heidi began, but I was already off. The situation that had just happened had only just sunken in, and I really just needed a shoulder to cry on. I walked outside and was greeted with a complete heartbreak. A single tear rolled down my cheek as I saw Bill and some random girl making out. He opened his eyes and caught sight of me, his eyes widening in surprise. I wiped my eyes and ran back inside to the downstairs bathroom, slamming the door behind me.

Great, now my mascara's smudged.



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