Ch 2: Lots of Hand Holding

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Dearest Kyouka,

  I hope you can forgive me for being so hard on you and I hope to right my wrongs in the future. I know you're very happy at the agency, and I am truly glad for you. Still, as someone who helped raise you, I want to see you flourish in life. I hope I can do that once we are officially allied.

  Kyouka, I wish you only the best. Take care.

With all my heart,

  Ozaki Kouyou


  As Kyouka read her letter she was filled with conflicting feelings. Yes, the mafia traumatized her and weaponized her... but they had been her family, too...

  Kouyou had treated Kyouka like she was her own daughter...

  Kyouka dug through a desk and started writing her own letter.


Dear Atsushi Nakajima,

  Calling you by your first name feels strange to me... We spent so much time fighting and arguing, spitting insults and ugly nicknames...

  I hope we can put the past behind us. And no, I was not forced to write this letter to you. It's something I've been wanting to do, but I never had a real reason until now.

  I was wrong to hate you and be envious of you. You are too kind to hold it against me, but let me ask for your forgiveness despite that. It has been quite some time since we have spoken. After all, recovering from Bram Stoker's ability has taken much time off of my hands.

  Gin says hi.


  Ryunosuke Akutagawa


  As Atsushi read this message, he began to smile. He was so glad that Akutagwa had recovered well from all the chaos that had happened almost ten years ago.

  He actually started tearing up.

  He knew that Akutagwa was just a big softie on the inside.

  Atsushi copied Kyouka and started writing back as well.


To Mr. Edogawa,

  I've never gotten the chance to witness your ability firsthand, but I have heard many tales of it. As our organizations become allied. I wish to see your full potential.

  Call it a strange habit of mine, but I enjoy taking people under my wing, so to speak. I want to hone your ability to its maximum potential, and I hope you would allow me to do so.

  Forgive me for being so forward, but I find that life doesn't always beat around the bush.


  Paul Verlaine


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