Ch 11: A Renewed Cycle

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  Dazai sighed as Elise laughed evilly and ran out of the room. "What are we going to do with her?..."

  Chuuya went back to organizing, "I've actually already decided where she will be staying."

  "You mean she isn't going to live with Kouyou?" Dazai asked.

  "No," Chuuya smiled, "Q actually approached me and said they could live together if she wanted to. I never noticed how close they were until recently... Or how much Q has changed."

  "Yeah, they're taller than you now!" Dazai laughed.

  Chuuya's smile softened, "they've become stronger, too. And they've got a great sense of humor."

  Dazai couldn't imagine that at all. "What? Really?"

  Chuuya chuckled, "yes. It's true."

  Dazai shook his head, "no way."

  The rest of the afternoon was spent organizing and talking about what everyone had been up to in the last ten-ish years. And it was nice.

  Dazai sighed heavily, laying his head on the desk. "Finally... we're finished..."

  Chuuya sighed just as heavily, "yeah..."

  They had brought in SO MANY filing cabinets to store all the documents. They organized everything as best they could before sending all the cabinets over to the archivists. Well, all except one. They stored all the especially important and confidential information in one cabinet and hid it somewhere safe.

  Chuuya leaned his elbows on his desk, "are you staying?"

  Dazai giggled, "didn't I say I wasn't leaving until you kicked me out?"

  "Then you'll never leave," Chuuya rolled his eyes. Then he added, "and you left twice already. Once to go home and once for the mission."

  Dazai whined, "you aren't supposed to say thatttt! Agree with me, Chuuyaaaa!"

  The mafia boss shook his head, "I would never kick you out. You know that, right?"

  Dazai spoke quietly, "it still surprises me when you say things like that..."

  "Like what?"

  "When you're... extra kind..."

  "I don't think I'm being extra?" Chuuya looked at him curiously.

  Dazai closed his eyes, "maybe not *extra*... but you're especially nice sometimes. I know it's been ten years, but you've changed so much..."

"I remember fighting with you over everything outside of missions," Chuuya chuckled. "I was such an angry person back then..."

  "Yeah, I don't know what I saw in you," Dazai sighed dramatically.

  "Hey," Chuuya flicked his arm.

  Dazai giggled, "it was probably just your looks. And maybe because you were so easy to tease. Oh, and also how strong you were."

  "You said you didn't know, and then you name three reasons?" Chuuya shook his head, "you're so weird."

  "At least I'm consistently weird," Dazai smiled up at him.

  "Yeah, I guess," Chuuya sighed as he stood up. "It's still pretty early, but I think we should go to bed. We need to make up for all the sleep we haven't gotten."

  Dazai chuckled, "good point." And he stood up as well.

  As they walked over to the hidden room, Chuuya asked, "do you want to borrow something more comfortable?"

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