Ch 7: Unshed Tears

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  Elise made her way down the hallways she was so used to walking... Only now, it felt impossibly empty. How had everything changed so quickly?...

  She sighed to herself as she pushed the heavy double doors open. She didn't want to be in the office. After all, that's where...

  Elsie shook her head as she stepped inside. The blinds were drawn, the early morning light hardly making its way through. It was hardly past five a.m.

  Chuuya looked up from his desk and spoke heavily, "yeah?" Then he stood up abruptly, noticing who had just come in.

  Elise let the doors shut behind her. She bit her lip, "uhm, I couldn't sleep..."

  Chuuya maneuvered around the stacks of papers and over to the little girl, "that's alright, I haven't been sleeping much either. Did Kouyou fall asleep on you?" He chuckled.

  Elise nodded, "yeah..."

  "I don't really have anything for you to do, but you're welcome to stay in here with me if you want." Chuuya offered.

  Elise nodded again, "okay..." She absently gazed around the room. Then her eyes locked on the other person. "What is *he* doing here?!"

  Dazai blinked back at her, "Hm? Oh, I've been here for a while..."

  "Yeah, he's helping. Don't worry, I won't let him cause any mischief," Chuuya patted her on the head.

  Dazai stuck his tongue out at the redhead. Then he smiled at Elise, "it's been a long time since I've seen you..."

  Elise paused, "do you think I'll... die... if I touch you?..."

  "Uh, let's not find out," Chuuya gently pulled her over to the opposite side of the desk.

  Dazai shrugged, "I honestly don't know. But my ability doesn't make exceptions."

  Elise nodded, "yeah..." She absently watched as Chuuya and Dazai slaved away, reading and discussing tons of things that all led to dead ends. She watched as they grew frustrated and irritated... and yet they never raised their voices at each other.

  Elise's eyes widened a little bit. Mori had told Elise many times that Dazai and Chuuya were the greatest team, or something like that... But this seemed like a little more than teamwork...

  Elise shifted in her seat, biting her lip. "Hey, Chuuya?..."

  "Yes?" He looked over.

  "Can I braid your hair?" She asked.

  "Of course," Chuuya smiled, turning in his chair so that his back was facing her.

  Elise moved her chair closer and sat up on her knees, beginning to separate the new mafia boss' hair. That's right... Chuuya was in charge now... and Mori was... gone...

  Elise's eyes filled with tears and she hated it. She never *liked* Mori, but she was connected to him in a strong way because she was his ability... She had overheard something about abilities being a reflection of one's soul... or something.

  She'd known Mori her entire life. Of course it would be painful to lose someone that close to you. Even so, she refused to cry. She'd shed more than enough tears this past week!

  She tied off the braid with a spare hair tie on her wrist. "All done," she said as she sat back.

  Chuuya pulled it over his shoulder as he turned back to face the desk. "Thanks, now it won't be in the way."

  Elise nodded, "yeah..."

  "Hey," Chuuya gently pinched her cheek, "it'll be okay. We'll be okay."

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