Ch 3: Heart to Heart, Eye to Eye

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  Atsushi refused to let go of Akutagawa, not that the older man complained or anything. Though, he did feel nervous. He wasn't used to anyone touching him, but he knew that Atsushi would never hurt him. He was far too soft for that.

  "Uhm," Akutagawa mumbled, "do you normally hug people for so long?..."

  Atsushi shook his head, "hugs last as long as you want them to. I have to make up for almost ten years of lost time, you know."

  A smile tugged at the edges of Alutagwa's lips, "you don't have to make up for anything. I chose not to reach out, I didn't want to hurt anyone else."

  Atsushi squeezed him, "it's not your fault."


  Atsushi shook his head, "nope."

  Akutagawa chuckled, "you're still so persistent."

  Atsushi took a deep breath in before letting go and taking a step back. Rashomon kept a tendril curled around his fingers, caressing him in a loving and sort of creepy way.

  "I don't think anyone can change *completely*," Atsushi shook his head, "there are always pieces of the past you left behind."

  Akutagawa paused, "even so... I don't think I'll ever be fully human again."

  "Wait." Atsushi narrowed his eyes, "you know what this means, right?"

  "That I'm a danger to the people around me?"

  "No! Don't say that!" Atsushi lightly pinched his arm. "This means we have matching fangs now, right?!" He grinned, showing off his sharp tiger teeth.

  Akutagwa blinked, "oh... I guess so..." He sheepishly smiled. His own canine teeth were sharper than a regular person's, but nowhere near as ferocious as Atsushi's. It was a comforting sight, in a way.

  "So, do you have to drink blood, or?..." Atsushi asked curiously.

  "Uhm," Akutagawa shifted his weight, "only every so often... about once a month..."

  Atsushi hummed in thought, "I know this is terrible and all, but isn't it pretty cool to say you're a vampire? I mean, how many people can say that???"

  Akutagawa smiled just a little bit, "I suppose you're right... And, I don't think anyone can say they're a where-tiger." Rashomon twisted around Atsushi's arm, tugging him closer.

  Atsushi giggled, "yeah, I guess we're both pretty special." He looked up at Akutagawa with a sigh, "I really missed you."

  Akutagawa rolled his eyes, "I missed you, too, Atsushi."

  Kouyou smiled, "should we say something?"

  Kyouka shook her head, "let's give them a minute..."

  Kouyou chuckled, "alright. What would you say to getting some boiled tofu and some sweets?"

  Kyouka's eyes sparkled, "I'd like that very much."

  Kouyou's smile widened, "I know just the place." She turned her head, "Akutagawa, Atsushi, would you two like to join us?"

  They both looked over abruptly, as if suddenly realizing they weren't alone in the room.

  "Well?" Kouyou giggled.

  Atsushi looked like he definitely hadn't heard anything of the context. Akutagwa nodded, "that sounds good to me." Atsushi offered an awkward s thumbs up, having no idea what he was agreeing to.

  "Then let's get going," Kouyou took one of Kyouka's hands.

  "Wait, where'd Dazai go?" Kyouka asked. "I didn't even see him leave."

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