Twenty Seven.

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Twenty Seven.

THE music was blaring throughout the accommodation as both Sora and Sunghoon approached the student house. There were drunk people dancing on the grass outside, and the flashing lights coming from inside the house were seen clearly from the windows.

Sora smiled widely at the sight and excitedly pulled Sunghoon by the hand into the building. She tugged him through the crowd of people inside and right over to where the drinks were displayed.

She picked up two red solo cups and poured vodka into both of them and then handed one of the cups to Sunghoon.

"Just vodka?" He raised a brow with slightly widened eyes and she nodded.

"I'm going to be living forever now — it's about time I have a taste of alcohol and get drunk." The girl replied with a grin and a shrug of her shoulders.

The boy chuckled under his breath as he watched her take a deep breath and reconsidered her thoughts, before downing the drink.

Sora let out a hiss of pain at the burning sensation and almost slammed the cup down on the counter. Coughs spurted from her mouth as a look of disgust took over her features.

"That's foul..." She commented, trying to recover from the liquid that tasted like an expired hairspray. "But I want to get drunk, and this is the strongest Ej has got." Sora sighed, shaking her head and pouring herself another glass.

Sunghoon scoffed out a laugh and placed his cup down before doing the same to hers. "Vampires can't get drunk."

Sora's face dropped in disbelief. She had been waiting her whole teenage years for the day to come where she can get drunk and wake up with a hangover to see what the craze was like. She wanted to feel what the girls in her class felt when they would complain about the annoying headache that just wouldn't vanish. She wanted to experience the night itself, losing all care and being able to feel free — but now that will never come.

"What? Why?" She questioned.

"We heal too fast. By the time you're on your second cup, your body would've healed from the first." He explained with a shrug, and Sora sighed a long sigh.

To say she was disappointed would be an understatement.

A little while later, the couple had spotted their friends stood together laughing and joking around.

Sunghoon had a firm — yet gentle — grip on her hip as a way of making sure she was safe as they maneuvered past sweaty bodies to reach their friends.

"Sora, I see you're drinking alcohol." Niki commented as he immediately smelt the substance coming from her drink.

Sora had decided to stick to the alcohol once Sunghoon mixed the vodka with coke and she began to enjoy it.

"Of course," She grinned. "I am going to be same age forever, so I thought why not." The girl shrugged, causing them to chuckle lightly before looking over to Sunghoon.

"You told her, right?" Jake wondered, referring to not being able to get drunk and Sunghoon nodded.

"Aye!" The group heard a yell, causing them to turn to look in the direction of the voice. There was a guy standing with two girls around his arms and a smug smirk on his face. "Jake, get over here!"

Jake licked his lips flirtatiously, before dismissing himself and heading over to where the guy was now kissing the blonde girl on his left.

Sora soon felt a soft tap on her shoulder, making her look up at Sunghoon, who's face was so close to her's that their noses were almost brushing against one another.

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