if you flirted with them

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I hc that he only gets flustered for you please don't come after me in the comments*

His touch deprived ass would be delighted to be flirted with by you- he personally doesn't care whenever others do, but he can't keep a straight face anytime you tell him you like his face



He would 100% flirt back no further questions


Freckle: he'd be flustered and panicked and make up a cheesy pick up line to say back to you



you bet your ass he'd pull this goofy ass stunt

you bet your ass he'd pull this goofy ass stunt

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he'd stand still Unphased with his normal cold stare but on the inside hes fucking melting



He'd hug and tell you to "fucking shut up before I punt you across the gym-" because he can't handle being flirted with by you but at the same time can't not be affectionate



She'd leave the room and giggle super loud in the other room and then come back in with a straight face



She'd smile really widely and just hug you and say how much she loves you (but inside she's fangirling like hell)

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