🪓I will kill for you.🪓(yandere Mordecai x reader)

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( Btw I'm listening to icp so this might get graphic )

HOLY- OMG YALL REALLY WANTED THIS ONE 😭😭 alright- here is my best attempt at a yandere fic

Y/n was walking along the street. Alone.

Their sense of sight nearly deprived from nothing but the dim streetlights illuminating the street. Word's been out about an Infamous Hatchet-man's been mercilessly hitting sitting ducks.

Y/n knew walking alone was foolish but, in all honesty who would try and attack a mobster from Lackadaisy for no reason.

Oh right. "mercilessly"

They weren't completely alone, besides the few cats they had walked past as the night got older. But there was one that particularly stuck out. And after a while this particular cat slowly got closer and closer to them.

The subtle faint ticking of a pocket watch.

Y/n sighed. This cat didn't seem like the kind of cat that would harm anyone. For Feline sake, the man was wearing glasses.

A few seconds passed.

The stopwatch was less subtle.

A few minutes passed.

The stopwatch was louder.

An hour went by.

The cat turned. He was out of sight now. Y/n released their fear in a relieved sigh and kept walking before being yanked into an alleyway they were conveniently walking into.

But not by the well-dressed Stopwatch bearing cat from before, no.

This cat looked to be a bit older and held a knife to y/n's throat.

The mystery criminal smirked.

"Gimme all you got. I want your money, not your life."

The criminal pressed the knife a bit harder against y/n's throat. Y/n felt fear pouring out of every oraphice of their face. Their eyes began filling up with tears.



y/n opened their eyes.

They looked around, and what they found shocked them.

The exact same cat that was following them had shot the cat that mugged them, and wore a furious expression on his face.

The black and white cat whipped his head around to Y/n. "Are you okay..."

Y/n had their hand to their chest trying to calm themself down and slow their breathing down. They looked up slowly at the cat.

"W-who are you..? W-what j-just-"

"Shhh. Calm your breathing. Everything is okay now."

"There's no need to tell you my name. You'll see the headlines either way.." he muttered before grabbing the lifeless corpse he made's collar and dragging him off. He looked around one more time.

"If anyone hurts you like this again.. tell me." He hands over a slip of paper with the Marigold gang symbol on it and what seemed to be his number.

Y/n was speechless. They looked up again.

"H-hey you can't just-"

"I said.. tell me if someone hurts you. This one's not getting out easy with just a bullet."

Y/n looked at the corpse and realized the cat was still breathing, it was simply a bullet to the shoulder.

The cat was gonna torture him.

Y/n nodded and started out the alley as they parted ways.

"U-um.. wait, before I leave.."

"Hm" the cat said with an patient tone.

"Thank you"

It wasn't visible but, the cat smiled. And y/n knew it. The two finally left the alley in their separate ways.


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