🎻Everything's gonna be okay.. (rocky x ND g/n reader)

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Requested by: theoddiefroggie

Y/n and the other bootleggers had finally gotten back from the catastrophe that happened during today's struggle.

After rocky, freckle and Ivy went upstage to play and dance, y/n left to the bathroom.

Y/n sighed as they turned the bathroom sink on and washed their face with warm water, but the result of what their hands pulled back wasn't what they wanted to see.

They were grazed with a bullet and after they pulled their hands to their vision their hands were covered in blood.

Their breathing gets a bit heavier as their hands start shaking, but they quickly clean and patch up the wound. Their hands still shook.

They put their hands on their head again trying to process all that happened that day. The blood and bullets, the water tower falling.

Their sensory issues being completely demolished by rocky and playtime.

They slid down and curled up in a ball and started crying. They fell into a panic attack.


"Knock knock" y/n's ears sprang up.

"Y/n..? Are you in there?"

Rocky spoke in a soft yet hopeful voice.

Y/n sat up and spoke.

"I-i-im in here, yeah..." They sniffed and wiped off tears.

"Oh my god! Are you crying in there!?" Rocky spoke in a more concerned and sad tone.

"N-no! I-im just, I..."
Y/n stuttered and sniffed again.

A few moments of silence passed.

"May I come in..?" Rocky sounded heartbroken.


Rocky opened the door to see y/n on the floor wiping away tears from their eyes. That smiling energetic face he always wore melted.

"Y/n, what's the matter..?" Rocky put his hand on y/n's shoulder.

Y/n sniffed again and looked to the side.

Rocky looked as if he was about to cry.

"It's okay.. you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.." rocky took y/n's hand in his. "Do you want a hug?"

Y/n hesitated, then nodded and rocky clinged onto them as if his life depended on it. He cradled them in his arms and wrapped his tail around them and let them cry into his shoulders.

"It's okay, I'm here..."


Y/n finished crying with a sigh.

"Thank you, rocky.. thank you so much" y/n sniffed and smiles shyly.

Rocky saw the smile and immediately smiled back. His signature bright and happy look came back and he hugged them again.

"Ohhh y/n I missed your smile so much!!"


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