💋Creole love call💋 (Serafine x ND reader)

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A/n t
This is a fanfic of when Serafine and y/n first met, so the two are younger-
[No this is in no way stereotypical I live in Louisiana it is in fact this way during marti gras don't try coming after me]

It was the perfect afternoon. The humid wave of the new Orleans waters paired with the subtle sound of the brass band playing in the distance.

Y/n left to get some air in a secluded spot near the river bank. The city lights flickering and music is pouring out of riverboats.

Y/n sighed. The silence was nice. Really nice. That is until a cat came stumbling out of a magnolia tree behind them. It looked like the cat was being chased by someone?

Y/n whipped their head around confused. The cat dusted herself off and finally made eye contact with y/n.

"Heh, scuse' sudden entrance, Cher. Didn't mean to intrude." She said as she sat down next to y/n.

"Name's Serafine.." Serafine reached her hand out for y/n to shake. "To whom do I owe this pleasure?"

"I'm.. y/n" the shy cat took serafine's hand gently.

Serafine gave off a friendly smile and shook y/n's hand. "Well it's sweet to meet you, Y/n! What's your Hollywood face doin' out here all alone?"

"I don't really like loud areas." Y/n kept their sentences short. They didn't  really like talking about it.

"Well hey, I totally get it. I tend to be loud though, don't get too mad" she laughed.

Y/n smiles and pushed out a sweet smile.

"C'mon why don't you and I bust this joint and check the quarter out? They're playin' a little less upbeat over there." Serafine reached her hand out for y/n to take and it almost didn't feel real..

Time felt slower and y/n couldn't help but smile.

Y/n took Serafine's hand and the two walked over to The French Quarter.

(This is what the French Quarter, Nola looks like btw lol)

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(This is what the French Quarter, Nola looks like btw lol)

They walked along the trolley line and listened to the bands play slowly. The sun had disappeared and nothing but the sheer light in serafine's eyes reflecting the streetlights caught y/n's gaze.

The Creole love call started playing.

Serafine took a deep breath and looked over to y/n.

"Would.. you like to dance..?" Serafine said shyly.

Y/n beamed and took serafine's shoulder as the two started slow dancing along with the music.

The romantic setting forever embeds an image in y/n's mind. 

Y/n rested their head on serafine's shoulder as they swayed to the melody. Serafine's natural warmth reaching the dopamine rush in y/n's head.

They knew the two would be together.


[ a/n
As you can tell, I'm adding a bit more personality into my writings :)
I'm kinda tired of the Creole love call not getting enough attention because it's honestly such a beautiful song. I ALSO KNOW IT WAS WRITTEN IN 1927, but we're just gonna pretend it was written sooner in this universe 😭

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