Chapter 4

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You awoke to the sound of John's voice outside of your tent. "Hey y/n, do you want to get out of here for a little, go fishin' or somethin'." Arthur's words from the previous night rang through your ears. But you needed to get out of here. You liked being at camp but you can only be cooped up for so long. You stood to open the tent flap wearing your sheer nightgown you met his eyes and looked up at John as he was much taller than you. "Fishing? Where?" John took notice of your visible cleavage peaking through the neck of your gown and quickly diverted his attention elsewhere. "Oh-uh." he stuttered as he looked in the opposite direction and pointed "There's a river just down the hill here. I thought we could see if we would catch anything." You smiled and said, "Sure, just let me get some clothes on!" John nodded and walked towards the horses. "Thank god, wearing that gown I don't think we would be doin' much fishin'." He thought to himself a heat crossed his face as he replayed the conversation you just had.

After dressing yourself in a red plaid button-up shirt with the sleeves rolled up to your elbows and a pair of dark jeans. You snapped your gun belt in place putting your revolver on the right side and your knife on the left. Sitting on a barrel outside of your tent you bent down to put on your boots you groaned at the action as your broken ribs were still extremely painful. Arthur walked over noticing you dressed he asked "You headed somewhere today?" You looked up at him after getting your boot on. "Yeah, fishing with John. Just down the hill is what he told me." Arthur's face became stone as he looked at you. Him admitting his jealousy to you last night was already embarrassing enough that he couldn't do it again. "Oh, okay. Um- be careful." He said walking away. You watched him walk away as you stood slowly and carefully as to not agitate the pain on your side. You walked towards John with a false sense of confidence. You couldn't have him thinking you needed him to help you.

As you approached John he smiled, "Ready to get a move on?" he said. You nodded as you attempted to sit in the saddle of your horse. "Hey, let me help you up there." John said as he walked over to help lift you "No, John. I can do it!" You said a tinge of anger in your voice. John furrowed his brow "Well you aren't very convincing but, whatever just do it yourself!" He said throwing his hands up in defeat as he mounted Old Boy. Eventually, you threw yourself onto your horse, groaning as you sat down and situated yourself in the seat. "You ready?" John spat. Anger grew as his attitude towards you was unappreciated. "Sure." You said sternly knowing an argument with John wouldn't solve anything anyway. John flicked the reins and pushed the stallion forward with you in tow behind him. Staring daggers into the back of his head.

As you arrived at the river, you hitched the horses to a nearby tree. You pulled the collapsible fishing rod off of your horse's saddle bag and walked towards the rocky bank. You stood next to John as he began to put his rod together. He grumbled under his breath cursing the rod as he tried to put it together. You laughed to yourself as you put yours together in the time it took him to put one pole into the other. Soon enough, his pole was together and he cast out. As you attempted to cast out the pain to your side shot again as you lifted your arms. You sucked air through your teeth and held a hand to your side. "Everything okay?" John asked, "Yes...all good." You lied to the man. Attempting to cast again the pain just came back stronger.

"Y/n. Just let me help you with this one thing, you're too hurt to try to do it on your own and I'm not going to let you sit there and hurt yourself more trying to prove something." John lectured as he sat down his pole and began to stand behind you. He reached his arms underneath yours and cast out the pole. Feeling him breathe out against your ear as he tossed the line made a shiver fall down your spine and butterflies formed in your stomach. You turned your head to face him and look into his green-blue eyes. His breath hitched as your bodies grazed each other.

He smiled and laughed awkwardly looking into your eyes. "What are you starin' at?" Your face flushed and you spun yourself around. "Nothing." You mumbled as you focused back on your fishing pole. He smiled at your reaction and decided to tease you further. He moved back up behind you putting his hands on your elbows and leaning down to whisper into your ear. "Do I make you nervous y/n?" Another chill shot down your spine as you slightly turned your head, his rough beard rubbing against your cheek. You began to breathe faster as he slowly forced you to turn around.

Spinning on your heels you were soon facing him fishing pole still in hand, he took the pole from you and tossed it onto the ground. Being sure to avoid the bruising on your back, he pulled you closer to him. Soon your body was pushed right against the other. Neither of you spoke as you looked into each other's eyes. You couldn't hear anything other than your heartbeat in your ears. John's hand slowly cupped the uninjured side of your face and pulled your face towards his. Your lips interlocked with his as you began to kiss him. You touched his face rubbing your fingers over the soft scarred skin on his face. He moved his hand to the back of your neck and pulled your head closer rubbing his fingers through the hair at the base of your scalp. You clung to his lips as he pulled away. He slightly chuckled at the hair that had now come undone from your braid and swept it behind your ear.

"You're beautiful." He sighed still holding you close. You lifted an eyebrow at the man. "I'm bruised and cut beyond belief and you find me beautiful?" John laughed, "Yes, Y/n I find you absolutely stunning." You looked around back at the river. "We should probably get back to what we were doing." You suggested. John looked over your head at the river. "Hmm, we could...or we could take this further if you would like." He said, kissing your forehead and quickly looking back into your eyes. A knot formed in your stomach. Nervousness? Arousal? You weren't exactly sure. But you liked the suggestion either way. You nodded silently unable to speak. He smiled taking your hand and led you up the river behind two large boulders.

He kissed you again, rougher this time. His tongue pushed against your pursed lips. You opened your mouth allowing his tongue to explore the inside of your mouth. Slowly, he lowered you onto the ground never breaking the kiss. He was now on top of you, he pulled away with a deep breath. His eyes darting over your body. "Fuck..." He whispered to himself. He began to fiddle with your shirt buttons unbuttoning the top to just expose your cleavage. He slid his hands underneath your shirt taking in your breasts. His face showed surprise. "No bra, Miss. L/n?" he growled. You smiled remembering you hadn't been able to wear a bra as it squeezed your broken ribs. "No, Mr. Marston." You replied biting your lip. "Mmm...Good."

He crashed back into you again as he continued to unbutton your shirt. Pulling it off your body he sat you up. Pain hit your ribs, causing you to bite onto his lip and slightly moan. He abruptly pulled away. "Shit, your ribs. Are you okay?" He looked at you forgetting you were still hurt. "Yes John, I'm okay, please don't stop." He smiled, before continuing to kiss you. Your hand began to explore his body pulling his jacket off his shoulders and beginning to unbutton his shirt as well. He assisted you and pulled the shirt off. He laid his body against yours, groaning as he felt your erect nipples rub against his chest. He pulled away fumbling with his belt. "Fuck y/n... I need you, right now." He growled. You followed in suit as you tossed your gun belt to the side and pulled off your pants.

John leaned down biting at the lacy top of your panties starting to pull them off with his teeth. You bucked into him, needing him more than oxygen at this moment. He lined himself against your clit and began to rub himself against you. You moaned, grasping at his arms digging your fingernails into him. He looked into your eyes with nothing but passion.

"Please." You squeaked. He laughed, before lining up to your entrance and slowly began sliding in and out. You moaned out in pleasure as he bucked into you. He slammed a hand around your throat while also carefully avoiding the still-fresh gash across your neck. He sped up his pace as he groaned and cursed your name. "Fuck...Y/n...I-I." He couldn't finish his sentence as he focused back to the task at hand. His thrusts became sloppy as sweat beaded his forehead. You couldn't take much more before you tightened around him, your toes curled in pleasure. He moaned once more loudly before pulling out and delivering his load onto your stomach and breasts. He laid beside you as you looked over to him. His chest heaving as he stared at you. You laughed before looking down at the mess on your torso. "Well, Marston. You have a hankerchief of some kind?" he looked around at the mess of clothes surrounding the both of you. "Uh. No I don't." He grinned in a childlike manner. You stood up as he looked at you with wondering eyes. You stepped over him, slowly, making sure he was watching closely before continuing towards the river. "What the hell are you doing?" He laughed.

You stepped into the cold river submerging yourself just enough to cover your breasts. You stared at him washing yourself off making sure you never stopped watching him. You weren't even sure if he was blinking as he watched. There was no way he was letting anyone else ever have you...

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now