Chapter 20

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You laid in bed later that night irritated from the conversation with John, he had left a few hours before. Slowly through the night you became more and more tired before falling asleep. Someone began shouting through camp in the late hours of the night. "Dutch! Wake up! Susan! We need help!" It was Arthur and Sean riding in quickly, within seconds your tent flaps opened to reveal Sean. "What's going on?" You asked groggily, "Where's John?" Sean's face became worried, "He's uh- Ah fook, why did 'dey make me do 'dis." You fully woke up now concerned for John, "Sean, where is he?" Sean sighed, "He's here but he's not okay, he got shot. Shot bad." Your stomach dropped as you jumped out of bed. You ran for the opening but Sean grabbed you holding you back. "Y/n stop! John asked that you didn't see him like 'dis." You struggled against him. "I don't care, Sean! Let me go!" You wrestled out of his grasp and out of the tent. 

Arthur and Charles were carrying John by his shoulders and ankles, he had a gunshot wound to his stomach, blood was running down off of him leaving a trail onto the ground. His chest was heaving, as he groaned and cursed in pain. You dropped to your knees, sobbing seeing him in this condition. Sean tried to pick you up but you had become dead weight, you couldn't move your body. Javier came over to help, him and Sean looped into your arms picking you up, taking you back into the tent. You cried for John as you reentered the tent. You sobbed to the point it was hard to breathe. Sean and Javier stood by waiting for you to calm down. 

Eventually you had stopped crying, your entire body ached from the sobbing. Javier finally spoke, "He's going to be fine, if you think this is bad, you should've seen him after those wolves." He chuckled, but you weren't finding the humor in it. Your face showed exactly that and Javier quickly dropped his head, "Sorry." Sean elbowed him, "Dumbass." 

A few hours later.

"When do I get to see him?" Javier sighed. "I don't know if you're going to want to see him. It's worse than what you saw." You rested your head in your hands. "Arthur's with him right now, but he's still not awake." Sean said reentering the tent. You spent the rest of the night pacing and crying. Javier and Sean never left your side by Dutch's direction, as he didn't want you sneaking out to see John. 

After a sleepless night, early in the morning Arthur entered the tent. "Hey, y/n. He's awake. Do you want to see him?" You sat up, your face bright red from crying, "Yes, please Arthur let me see him." Arthur held the tent flap open for you, the sun stung your sensitive eyes. "He's over at Strauss's wagon, behind that sheet. Just go when you're ready, he's waiting for you." You sighed fiddling with your fingers, slowly you walked towards the direction of Strauss's wagon. You got to the sheet separating you from John. You pulled it back to reveal John, his entire torso was bandaged, Susan sat next to him. "John, y/n is here." His eyes fluttered open looking around the room then settling them on you. He smiled at you, "Hey, doll face." Susan stood up, "They've been giving him whiskey to keep him from hurting so he's a little 'happy'." She said chuckling. You sat down in the chair next to him taking his hand, "How's my girl? And my baby?" He asked smiling, his eyes half open. When he's drunk or even tipsy his eyes always stay only half open, you always found that funny and adorable. 

You sat with John for a couple hours, it was close to dinner time when he asked, "Can you get me something to eat darlin'? I'm starving." You got up quickly, walking to the stew pot. "How's he doing?" Arthur asked, "He's okay, I think?" You said before continuing. "He's hungry so that's good right?" He smiled nodding. You asked him and Charles to help sit John up so he could eat. Coming back to the makeshift hospital room, you informed John of what was about to happen, "Oh god, that's gonna hurt like a son of a bitch." Arthur and Charles stood on each side of him grabbing his arms. John took a deep breath, holding it and breathing out as the men lifted him. The breath turned into a groan which then turned into a loud "Goddamn it!" You stacked pillows behind him so he could sit up relatively comfortably. The two men left soon after you gave them your thanks.

He sat back breathing quickly, pain flashing in his eyes. Seeing him in pain made you feel useless as you couldn't help him feel better. John lifted his hands from his wound, they were covered in blood. "Ah, shit. That's not good." He said wincing, you jumped up searching for gauze. You felt panic set over, digging through shelves and drawers you finally found a roll of gauze. You removed the old dressing to reveal his wound. You were shocked to see a large hole in his stomach, bleeding heavily. "Oh, John." You whispered. You replaced the gauze on his wound and sat back down, a little nauseated and worried after seeing his wound. "Are you okay?" John asked, "I'm fine, don't worry about me." You replied, He laughed, "I'm always going to worry about you, you're my girl." 

The both of you ate dinner in silence, you still felt uncomfortable after seeing his wound, so you didn't speak much. Soon night fell and John began to nod in and out of consciousness, exhausted from the day. You leaned back in the chair, your body felt heavy. You realized you had only slept for a couple of hours before being woken up by Sean. You yawned and tucked your chin. You quickly fell asleep making sure John was comfortable and sleeping well before you did.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now