Chapter 15

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"Well, that was a shit plan." Arthur said looking at John. John groaned rubbing his temple. "I know, Morgan you don't need to tell me." John reached for your hand, grabbing it he squeezed it once. "I'm sorry for dragging you into this, I know you'd rather be out killing some bastards for a change." You smiled looking over at him, "Actually it was nice, reminds me of a ranch I used to work on." Arthur chuckled, "Y/n, you worked on a ranch?"

"Just for some extra money, used to herd sheep All. Day. Long. It was so boring!" John laughed. "You are just full of surprises." he said leaning over and kissing you on the temple. "I love it." John began to tell Arthur about how Dutch mentioned he wanted to see him in the saloon. You and John walked hand in hand strolling through Valentine, stopping into the general store. "I just need to grab some stuff." He said opening the door for you. He followed you in and began to grab miscellaneous items. You looked around the store waiting for him to be done. He checked out and you both walked back out the door.

When you walked out of the door you looked over to see John being jerked away before an arm clasped around your body. The barrel of a revolver pressed against your head. "Walk!" You felt the man behind you yell as he pushed you down the street. Images of being tied in the cellar flashed through your mind as you walked. You began to breathe faster, your body felt weak. "Goddamn it woman! Walk or I'm gonna blow your brains out!" the man yelled. "You won't fuckin' touch her you son of a bitch!" John yelled. You saw Colm being shot, it felt as though the ropes were around your wrists again. As you rounded the corner a well-dressed older man rode up on a horse. "Van Der Linde! Get out here!" the man yelled, introducing himself as Leviticus Cornwall.

As soon as the man introduced himself you felt like your days were numbered. They had robbed Cornwalls train before you came around and yet here you were with a revolver against your skull. "Get out here, before I kill the man and the woman!" The men forced you and John on your knees outside of the saloon. You looked over to John breathing erratically, tears rolling down your face. "Don't you get any ideas, woman. I'll kill you in a goddamn New York minute." The man holding you hissed in your ear. You saw Dutch and Arthur peek through the window, talking amongst themselves. You hoped to God they were making a good plan to get you and John out of here.

Arthur and Dutch walked out with their hands in the air. Dutch began to spew his rehearsed lines, claiming false identity. You felt the revolver dig into your temple even deeper. O' Driscoll men beating you began to flood your mind. Quiet tears flowed even harder as you silently begged God for your life. You managed to catch a glimpse at Arthur inching his way towards his gun. You prepared for the fight ahead, trying to make a plan but your mind was filled with O' Driscolls and nonsense. Before you could even think a gunshot flew hitting John's captor, you threw your body weight back knocking the man off his feet. He was quicker than you and flipped you over, you strained against his arms as he started aiming the revolver against your head. "John! Please! John!" You screamed in desperation. The man fell to the ground shot in the side by John, you grabbed his revolver slipping through the mud, you ran towards a wagon shooting men that ran by.

You fell behind the wagon. Tears still flowing, John ran up kneeling beside you. "Y/n we have to go! You can't sit here, we have to leave!" Even though the anxiety that had gripped you earlier had stopped you from making your exit plan you went straight into survival mode. You got up wiping your tears before delivering shots down the streets of Valentine. Hiding behind the wagon as John and Dutch pushed it down the street. When you made it to the end, Arthur pushed you out towards John. He took your hand running towards his horse. He grabbed you by your waist and threw you onto the saddle. "I'll stay behind, get the hell out of town!" Arthur shouted before returning gunfire into the town. John mounted behind you and pushed Old Boy to his limits running out of Valentine.

You began to cry again as you reached the outskirts of Valentine. John shushed you. "Hey, you're alright, It's over." You nodded, swallowing. "I'm sorry y/n, You should've never been put in that situation." You felt a wave of anger. "Yeah. I shouldn't have. Why is it every time someone wants revenge for something that happened before I was even around, I get almost killed for it!" You shouted. John rubbed the sides of your shoulders. "I know, I'm gonna make my entire life devoted to keeping you safe. You'll never be put in this position again." You sighed as you entered Horseshoe Overlook.

You quickly got off of John's horse, crying out of fear and frustration as you walked towards your tent. You flung the curtains open dropping to your knees. As you held your head in your hands you replayed the events on the O' Driscoll beatings, it was all you could see. The punches, the threats, your life being held in the hands of an evil man. As much as you wanted to leave you knew this would follow you. You were now a Van Der Linde and there was no leaving this life behind.

John walked in kneeling next to you he pulled you close. You sobbed into him, you had never cried this hard in your life. You felt the entire world weigh on you. Arthur opened the tent, "Marsto- Oh, sorry." he said retreating quickly. You gathered yourself and sat on the cot catching your breath from the weeping. "Just go, John. I need to be alone." You whispered. "I
ain't leaving you." You pointed towards the exit, he quietly got up. "Is she alright?" You heard Arthur say in a hushed tone. "I-I don't know, I've never seen her like this. Ever since we got her back from Colm she's been...I-I don't know what it is but this ain't my girl." John sighed. "I'm scared for her Arthur." You got up inching closer to the entrance straining to listen to the conversation.

"I'm telling you, when the moment comes." Arthur paused for a moment. "You take her and get her out of here. It ain't good for her and if you love her you'll get your damn money in order and get the hell out of here before it's too late." John sighed. "Yeah, I may not be what she deserves but I can damn well try." You hated when John spoke about himself that way. He was all you wanted and more. You loved that man but the life he lived became more and more unappealing to you.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now