Chapter 11

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Your head throbbed as you slowly came to. Looking around you realized you were in a cellar, the musty smell of old food and cigarettes filled your nostrils. You looked down at your feet realizing you were tied to a chair. You needed to get out of here, you don't know who had taken you but you weren't sticking around to find out. You began to rock the chair side to side, hoping the rickety old chair would bust if it fell over. You shoved your entire body weight to the side and the chair fell to its side but it didn't bust and you were now stuck on your side. The cellar door jerked open with a loud creak. Footsteps began stomping down the stairs, and a breathless wheezing chuckle came from the shadowed figure. "Well, well, what do we have here?" The man said jerking you upwards sitting the chair back up. As the light hit his face a stranger, with an older weathered face, and gray greasy hair looked at you. "Trying to escape back to Ol' Dutch?" he said and then delivered a quick kick into your stomach. "Fuck! What do you want?"

He got close to your face. "I want to know why you and the rest of that damn gang took MY damn train! Leviticus Cornwalls train was mine!" You looked at him with confusion. "I didn't rob Cornwalls train you dumb bastard! I wasn't with them! Who the hell are you?!" You demanded. He delivered a slap across your face. "You don't need to worry about who I am" he hissed. "You seem like your pretty valued to Ol' Van der linde." He said laughing, "Guess I can keep you around until they come for you." He said walking back up the stairs, closing the door with a loud slam and a thud as it locked. "Goddammit!" You screamed.

After Arthur found your boot everyone became concerned on where you could be. The men had decided either you had been taken by O'Driscolls or Pinkertons. 3 days had passed since you had gone missing. John started riding around the areas nearby camp the entire day everyday not coming back until he could no longer see.

Arthur was sitting at the table quietly eating with Dutch and Hosea, talking about their concern for John and wondering who could've taken you. Hosea insisted it had to be Colm using you as an hostage to draw Dutch and his boys out. "I don't know, Hosea. It makes sense but why would he take y/n instead of the girls who have been here longer?" Arthur asked. "Maybe because she was on the train job? Maybe they've been watching us." Hosea responded. Dutch stood up, "Well lets find out where they're camped at. Arthur, tomorrow you're heading into town and seeing what you can dig up." He continued. "Do what you have to do but don't draw any attention to yourself. If they do have her, we can't have them knowing we're onto them."

John returned to camp, his face had began to show the signs of lost sleep and desperation. He needed to know you were safe, and until then he couldn't sleep properly. He dragged himself to his tent plopping down on the cot, he started to cry. Nobody had ever made him feel the way you do, so this feeling was foreign. The feeling of loss, and fear. He quietly sobbed to himself before laying down for another restless night of nightmares and staring at the ceiling.

You sat in the cellar with your head hung. You overheard some men talking as the cellar wasn't completely soundproof. You realized at least 3 days had passed since they took you. Your stomach began to turn as you noticed you hadn't had anything to eat since the dinner with John the night of the party."Hey!" you yelled, after a few seconds the door opened to reveal a different man.

"I haven't ate anything and if you're planning on using me for Dutch it's probably best to keep me alive." The man had a soft face, he looked at you with genuine concern. "Well, Mr. Colm, ain't told us-." Colm? Colm O' Driscoll had taken you? "Wait a damn minute." You interrupted the man, "Mr. Colm? You mean Colm O' Driscoll?" He swallowed and nodded, "Yes ma'am?" You groaned, "Christ- Can you just get me some food? Or ask Mr. Colm if i can eat?" You said using a mocking tone. The man quickly turned and scattered up the stairs. He seemed like a scared puppy, he wasn't tough at all. Nothing like Colm's men, well at least the ones you had encountered.

The next day Arthur woke up and started to get ready to head into Valentine. As he walked to his horse John began to trail behind him, "Arthur." He turned to face John. "Dutch told me your headed into Valentine to find something out about y/n." He nodded, "Yeah, wasn't sure if you would want to come, but I can always use another person if you're up for it." John silently agreed and mounted Old Boy, following Arthur as they rode into town.

John sighed as he rode next to Arthur. "We're going to find her, John." John nodded, "I know. I just can't sleep without her here. I'm exhausted." The men continued in silence as they arrived into town. They spent the entirety of the day around the saloons and stores hoping to overhear something about where the O' Driscolls were camped. Colm's men were scattered all over town, after a few hours they finally got some information on where you were being kept. John found Arthur and told him what he had heard from the gunsmith, "He said they ordered a buncha' weapons and were wanting them delivered. Some place in West Elizabeth up by Bard's Crossing. She may not be there but I think it's worth scoping out."

Arthur agreed and shortly came up with a plan. They needed to find out when the weapons being delivered, steal the wagon and pose as the delivery men, and bring a couple extra gunmen to follow in close behind them. After settling on the plan the men rode back to camp to inform Dutch.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now