Chapter 13

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You woke up, still in Johns arms but you were now facing him. Your eyes fluttered open as you looked at John's calm sleeping face. You knew the nightmare was over, you were with the man you....loved? That feeling was so odd but you still felt great about it. You traced over the worn scars across his nose and jaw. He moved his head and opened his eyes. He smiled noticing the soft fingers on his face. He ran his hand down the side of your face, resting his hand on your cheek. "Good morning beautiful." His raspy morning voice made you melt. He stood up to go get your cups of coffee just like he did every morning. You rolled on your back sighing, knowing you were safe once again. John quickly returned the cups still steaming. "It's 10:30." He chuckled, "We slept in super late." You and John were usually up and awake by 5:30 to 6:00 so this was a shock and relief to be able to sleep that late. You got up meeting John at the entrance you took the cup and began to mingle about the camp talking to everyone, explaining what had happened.

John was never far away, he watched you closely. You knew he was still shaken up from what happened so you didn't think much about it. As you were talking with Mary-Beth she commented on the bruises that ringed your wrists and the bruises that riddled your face from the beatings. You laughed, "Oh it's fine, bruises'll heal. Besides I think it makes me look tough." You said laughing again, Mary-Beth joining in. John sat nearby stone-faced, obviously he didn't find your joke very amusing...

After a while you started talking to Dutch, "So when's the next score?" John interjected, "I-I'm not sure that's the best idea." Dutch looked at John confused. "Why not son? Y/n has proved to us she knows how to handle herself." John sighed, "Anyway from what you told me she's extremely helpful on jobs." John crossed his arms. "Well I mean, she can but I-I just I don't know, it's just not safe."

You rolled your eyes staring daggers at John, you were embarrassed. Anger began to seethe causing you to quickly walk away. John followed quickly behind you. "Y/n! Hey! Get back here!" You stopped in your tracks and spun on your heels. "Excuse me? Get back here? Do you take me for some damn little girl who does whatever you demand?" Your voice began to rise. John's face showed his regret for demanding you to do anything. "You won't ever tell me what to do again, John Marston!" Pointing your finger into his chest seething with anger. You walked away from him leaving him in silent regret, you walked into the shared tent to cool off. John followed behind you but Dutch stopped him, "Probably best to leave her be for a while, my boy." John huffed before walking away to the fire.

After almost an hour you reemerged from the tent to see John sitting right outside on a barrel. Appearing almost like a lost puppy, he looked over at you. He stood up walking over."Look, I'm sorry I didn't mean to yell at you like that. I just can't have you gettin' hurt again, y/n. It'll kill me. I love you, too damn much." You looked up at him "John, you can't protect me forever I know everything with Colm scared you, but it's done, the bastard is dead." John sighed, "But they ain't the only ones I'm worried about, we've still got Pinkertons everywhere we turn." You sighed, "John, when you understand I can handle and protect myself that's when you can stop worrying everytime I leave your sight." John nodded silently.

Wrapping his arms around you he pulled you into a hug kissing the top of your head and then resting his chin on top. You held him close to you never wanting this moment to end. "You want in on a job?" He asked. You pulled away from the hug nodding, "Of course I do!" You said excitedly ready to get back to a normal routine. "Well I've got one started, It's robbing some sheep off some fellers coming in from Emerald Ranch." You cocked your eyebrow, "Sheep? Really?" He smiled, "Yes really, we'll make good money off it I promise."

You weren't one to question John, after all he had set up that train job and you made quite a bit of money off of it. Arthur joined the two of you after John called him over, John started talking about the set up, what you needed, and other details. "We'll need a good gun, like a sniper or something." You stood up already volunteering, "I'll go get it!" John stood up to stop you but Arthur stopped him, "She's already chewed your ass once today, are you sure you want to do that again?" John slowly sat down watching as you quickly rode away into Valentine.

You rode into Valentine with no issue, you knew some O'Driscolls were still hanging around but with Colm dead, they were no threat to you. You made your way through town holding your head high. The red, brown and purple marks on your face were still prominent as well as the marks on your wrists. You eventually made it to the gunsmith, still watching your back as you walked inside.

"Ah, ma'am it is good to see you! What can I get you today young lady?" You opened the catalogue thumbing the tabbed pages until you read rifles. "I need this one right here, the rolling block. Do you have it in stock?" the gunsmith looked at you curious as to why a woman of your size would need such a big gun. You read his expression and quickly said. "It's not for me, it's for my-my- husband, John." He nodded, "The feller with the scars, right? I've seen you two together here through town a few times, How long you been married?" You swallowed thinking of what to add to the already building lie. "Just 3 months now." You said smiling. The thought of John being your husband for real was a little satisfying, you saw the women in town with their children and husbands, you longed for that feeling.

"Ah! Newlyweds I love it!" The gunsmith cooed snapping you back to reality. He reached into a cabinet and grabbed the rifle from its place handing it to you. You reached into your pocket pulling out your money he stopped you, "Consider this a wedding gift!" You smiled and asked the man if he was sure. "Absolutely!" he reiterated, you happily took the rifle thanking the man. Walking out the door you slung the rifle over your shoulder and mounted your horse. You quickly rode back to camp, you missed your 'husband'.

You arrived to camp shortly and returned to the table where Arthur and John sat, John began rustling through his pockets. "How much did that set you back?" He said finally finding his money clip. "Nothing it was free." You smiled cheerily. "Y/n...did you rob that poor gunsmith?" Arthur scolded. You looked at Arthur with fake shock, "Why little old me? Steal from a jolly old gunsmith? What kind of woman do you take me for?" You teased before continuing your sentence. "No I didn't, he said it was, a uh-wedding gift." You said looking down at your hands fiddling with a piece of string off of your shirt. "Oh is that so? And who was the groom in this 'wedding'?" John said laughing.

Your face began to slowly turn pink. "Nobody, he didn't ask." You said grinning still looking down. "Oh please, John. She ain't gonna tell you because she told him she was married to me. She'd want people to think she was married to a big strong man. Not a wolf whisperer." Arthur teased in big brother like fashion as usual. John punched his arm smiling. "Boys, cut that out leave the poor girl alone." Mrs. Grimshaw scolded as she was nearby and had over heard the conversation that had just occurred.

Soon the table had cleared to just John and you. You had eventually made your way to sit directly next to him. He took your hand smirking he ran his thumb of your knuckles. "Did you really tell that gunsmith you were married to me?" You nodded, too embarrassed to speak. "I didn't think you were the- uh, marrying type." 

You chuckled, he was right. You never wanted to marry, not until you met him. "I. I wasn't, not until recently." John looked at you. "And what would've changed that?" he questioned, puffing his chest out proudly. You explained how seeing those little families on the streets of Valentine made you wonder what that life would be like. "I wonder that too, maybe a wife or a kid would do me some good." Arthur was walking by, "It won't, ain't no fixing you Marston." Teasing him once again.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now