Chapter 6

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You sat at the fire early in the morning before anyone else woke up. You couldn't sleep, everything that has happened to you recently has left your head spinning. Confusion, anger, sadness, and any other emotion possible filled your head. You lit the fire and began to tend to it, sighing as you laid back in your seat crossing your legs as you watched the fire. You heard light footsteps and looked to see, Karen was beginning to walk towards you. "Y/n? Why are you awake so early?" You smiled. "I could ask you the same." She chuckled "Ah, I just can't sleep." she replied as she lit a cigarette holding the box to you. You took a cigarette and lit it, breathing in deep as the scent filled your nostrils. You both sat quietly until she finally broke the silence. "I know how you feel y/n." You looked at her with confusion. "I've been John Marston's 'beautiful girl'." She said using air apostrophes. You sighed as your last bit of hope for John to love you dwindled away.

"Listen, I see how Arthur looks at you, he wants you. Not in a sexual way, he wants you in his life." You didn't know what to say, you stayed silent as she told you what you needed to hear. "You may not care what I have to say, but you and I both know that I'm right." She silently stared at you before she stood up and walked away. Leaving you alone with your thoughts once again. You sat for a while longer before arms started to surround you and lips kissed your ear. John held you closely and said "Good morning, beautiful." You stood up shoving him off of you. As you stood you turned around to face him. "What's the matter with you?" He demanded, angry that you denied his advances. "Don't touch me, I know you don't love me!" You whispered harshly making sure not to wake the other members of camp. "I ain't lettin' you talk to me this way in the middle of the damn camp!" He said as he grabbed your wrist before pulling you towards a tree at the edge of camp. "Damn it, John! Let me go!" You said as you wrestled out of his grasp shoving him into the tree in the process. "I don't want to talk to you! I won't let you treat me like you treated Karen and all the other women you've done this to!" You lectured him as he stared at you dumbfounded.

He groaned before interrupting your rant. "Y/n, y/n, just fuckin' listen dammit!" You crossed your arms waiting for his lie filled explanation. "I know, there's been a lot of women, there has. But you're different than them. You aren't Karen. I know you've been talking to Morgan too. He ain't got no damn clue how I feel about you!" He looked at you with anger pasted on his face. "I'll do what I need to do to prove it if you'll let me." He rested his hands on your face. "Just please, give me a chance to show you I'm a good man." Rubbing his fingers across your cheek, he pulled you into a kiss. You didn't kiss him back but you also didn't pull away. After he pulled away from your lips he rested his head against your forehead. "Please, just let me take you out for the night, let me be a gentleman. No sex, just dinner and a show. Please." He begged. You sighed. "Fine."

He smiled before kissing your forehead. "Dress nice, I'm goin' to make this worth your time." He said before walking away. You rubbed your temples as you walked back to camp.

Spending your day worrying for the night made the time pass fast. Soon the time came for you to start getting ready. You curled your hair before putting it into a half up hairstyle. You dressed yourself in a baby blue prairie dress and flats. You stuck your head out of the tent looking around for Karen and Arthur, knowing that if they seen you leave with John they would never let you forget it. They were both sat at the fire with their backs turned. You quickly sped walked to the horses making sure not to bring too much attention to yourself. John was already waiting for you, dressed in a nice pair of jeans, a grey button up shirt and a blue vest. He smiled as he admired your outfit. "Well, don't you clean up nice?" You smiled before he grabbed your hand helping you onto Old Boy. He mounted behind you, flicking the reins, he rested his free hand onto your thigh. As you trotted towards Valentine he hummed happily behind you.

You soon arrived into Valentine. He hitched the horse just outside of the saloon, he got off before helping you down. He held his arm out for you as you wrapped yours around it. You walked over to the tables in the back of the building, he pulled your seat out for you. You smiled at him as you sat down. "I'll be right back." He turned and walked towards the bar. You watched as he spoke to the bartender giving him money in exchange for two food menus, a bottle of wine and two glasses. He sat the items on the table before sitting down across from you. "I ain't never had wine before. But, I figured it was better than orderin' you a beer." He said as he opened the corked bottle with a pop. He poured two glasses taking a sip, his face showed pure disgust. He grabbed a menu, looking over the options. You grabbed the other menu as you looked over it. Awkward silence settled over the both of you. You had never been on a date before so you weren't exactly sure what to do. He took both your dinner choices back to the bar and waited for the food to be finished. He came back with the two plates as you finished your glass of wine, hoping it would help relieve your extreme anxiety.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now