Chapter 8

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That night at dinner, Micah emerged from his tent and sat at the table watching you and John as you ate dinner by the fire, unknowing of the glare you both were receiving. You were both too enthralled in the company of each other to notice or care. After finishing dinner John took both your bowls to the wash bin and brought back 2 bottles of beer. You smiled as he popped the cork and handed it to you as he sat back down on the log. Mr. Bell's eyes were still stuck on the both of you, he was angry, embarrassed, and angry. As you finished the bottle you yawned, "I'm going to head to bed." You said grogginess slowly taking over your voice. As you stood up you kissed John on the cheek, walking back to your tent. Nobody had lit the lanterns so the walk back was extremely dark. You noticed movement out of the corner of your eye and slowly turned to face it.

Before you even fully turned a hand grabbed your wrist. "Hey!" You shouted, "Shut up, shut up don't yell damn it!" A hushed voice demanded. Karen stood in front of you, you could only tell by her voice that she had grabbed you. "What the hell do you think you're doing? Fooling around with John?" You felt anger start to boil. "It ain't fooling around! He proved himself to me! He treated me like a woman not like a damn whore." Karen groaned "Oh I bet he made you feel real good, made you feel like you were the only woman in the world didn't he?" You started to become even more angry. "Dammit, Karen. I'm sorry for what happened to you with John but this is different he treats me well! That's all I want, he gives me what I need!" You walked away before she could even retaliate, you were so angry you felt as though you could spit nails. You needed to take a minute to breathe, as you walked around camp John noticed you pacing nearby and walked up to you. "Hey, thought you woulda' been 'sleep by now." You looked to John, angrily. "I would've been by now but Karen had to tell me how dumb I was for being with you. I can't sleep, I'm too damn pissed!"

His face became stoic knowing that if he acted how he felt right now, Karen would be long gone by now. He sighed. "Why don't you come to stay with me? Come calm down a bit in my tent." You silently stomped towards his tent. "Take that as a yes, I guess." He mumbled to himself, following behind you. He walked in to see you sitting on the bed, arms crossed almost pouting like a child. Even though you were angry John couldn't help but laugh a little. "What's so funny?" John quickly stopped "Nothin'." You stood up. "No, you were laughing!" You started to walk towards him. "What is so funny, John Marston?" You said as you poked into his chest

"Woah, easy there tiger. Ain't no need for all that. I'm not the one you're mad at." He said grabbing your hand and stroking your face. You sighed "I know." He walked you over to the bed sitting you on his lap. "You can't be getting this mad over this. People are going to talk that's just something you're going to have to get used to." You nodded, laying your head on his chest. Yawning, you said, "I think I'm ready to sleep." You said beginning to stand up. John pulled you back down, "Just give a couple more minutes of this, please." He said resting his head on top of yours. "Okay." You sighed happily before closing your eyes, breathing in the smell of sweat and campfire smoke.

John noticed after a while that you had fallen asleep in his arms. He smiled as he held you close to him. Thanking God for this moment. He slowly laid you down on the cot and then laid beside you. He smiled as you sighed, rolling into him. He then quickly fell asleep as well.

As the sun rose, John sat up as the sun gleamed through the slit in the canvas tent. You were still laying next to him, asleep. He brushed a stray hair out of your face and then kissed his two fingers, placing them onto yours. He then slowly crept out of the tent and walked to the fire.

You soon woke up a little after John. As you sat up John reentered the tent with two cups of coffee. He smiled at you handing you one of the cups. You both sat in silence still waking up. You soon left the tent to change your clothes. Puttering about camp you passed the day waiting for the train robbery later that night.

As the day passed you noticed Arthur was nowhere to be found. Usually he hangs around during the day when a robbery is that night. But you figured he was just out wondering passing the time.

Soon the time came to head out and pick up the oil wagon, you dressed yourself in all black slinging the new repeater over your shoulder. As you walked towards the horses, John emerged from his tent, in all black as well. His pants fit just a little tighter than his usual jeans a black jacket sat on his shoulders as he bent down to pick up his repeater you admired the butt that was pressed against his jeans. You weren't sure why you were so infatuated with his rear but you weren't complaining about the sight. He caught you looking and quickly spun around red touching his cheeks. "Quit starin' at my ass!" You laughed, walking past him you leaned into his ear. "You can't make me." You whispered in his ear knowing that it would drive him crazy.

He huffed, knowing he didn't have enough time to make you stop. He then followed you to the horses. "Where's Arthur and Sean?" You asked John as you mounted your horse. "They'll be meeting us at Dewberry Creek." He replied, looking over his shoulder he yelled for Charles to mount up as he was eager to get a move on. Ever since missing the Cornwall train robbery he's been wanting to get out and back in action. "Hyah!" Old boy took off at a sprint and you and Charles followed closely behind him.

The Feller With The Scar, (slight) Arthur x Reader, John x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now