chapter 4

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1:00pm. Move in day.

I walked downstairs to meet up with the rest of the team. I'm not sure what to think of me, considering I'm younger and new. Most of these girls were on the same team last year, considering that this is the second and older team. open the door to go to the dining hall and it's pretty big. It has lots of different food options like sandwiches and salads and smoothies. I see a big table with about 10 girls and I walk over.

There's some chitchat, but I decide to go all in and introduce myself.

"Hey guys! This is the U18 team?" I say.

"Yes! Are you Sawyer?" Someone asks.

"Yes, I am." I say

"Coach Hall said you would be coming soon. Come sit! We'll introduce ourselves." She said.

"Ok so this is Lily, that's Grace..." she kept going around the circle, but I really didn't follow because I was very overwhelmed. I nodded along as she pointed to the girls and waved. "and I'm Dylan."

"Nice to meet you guys." I say. "Where is everyone from?"

We make small talk for a while, everyone goes over what positions they play, and if they were on the team last year or not. We talk about the coaches and overall team and it seems great. Everyone is so nice. I ask about the USNTDP as a whole.

"So she wants to know about the Hockey and Boys lacrosse teams..." Dylan says, laughing.

"No no!!" I say, embarrassed, but laughing.

"No, trust me, we all did when we got here." She says, honestly. "Don't worry, we do a lot with them. We share a common room with them, which is just through those doors, and we get super close over the year."

"Is there ever drama?" i ask, nervous.

"Sometimes, but it's never directly caused by us. We've learned to just get over things quickly, especially because everyone on the team is so nice." She says.

"That's good to know." I say.

"Do you have anyone in mind? The question must be coming from somewhere." Grace says.

"No, no, just wondering because I have never been somewhere like this before." I lie.

I spent the rest of the afternoon chatting away with the girls until the whole team ended up in the dining hall for dinner. there's about 25 of us, and I haven't met one mean person. I think it is because everyone is very comfortable in their ability to play, and competition is low because everyone is so good. obviously, when we start playing, tensions will probably rise, but I'm hoping that for now I'm in the clear.

"Hey guys! Super excited to start the season with this group of girls. you guys are all so talented and have achieved great things in your lacrosse careers. I'd like to introduce the four new teammates that are being introduced the program this year. Here we have McCanna, Jordan, Peyton, and Sawyer. Mckenna, Jordan, and Peyton all retryed out this year and earn their spots on the team, and Sawyer originally tried out for the other team, but I pulled her up to this one. let's give our newbies a warm welcome." Coach Hall says. Everyone applauds.

I smile and look around. People generally look impressed.

"let's eat dinner and then we're going to have another team meeting in the film room." Coach Hall says.

"Wait what film room?" I ask Dylan.

"The one in our locker room. Coach Hall didn't show you?" Dylan asks.

"No. We were too busy watching the hockey practice." I laugh.

"Speaking of..." Dylan says. I look up and 30 boys walk in. All of them have wet hair, USA grey shirts on and shorts.

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