Chapter 7

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2 weeks later. 8am on a Saturday.

Coach Hall gave us the full day off. He said we've been really working hard, and we deserve a rest day. I think it also has nothing to do with it being the hockey teams first game. we don't start our games until mid winter, closer to spring. Since the hockey Season is the winter, they start games in the fall, for preseason.

Jack and I have gotten much closer now. We tell each other everything, whether it be stupid drama on the team, or family issues. He texts me all the time, whether it be just looking for a joke, or to hang out. Also, he asked for my number about a week ago, so we text more than snap.

I get a text from Jack.

Jack Hughes
Are you at breakfast?

Wanna go together?

Jack Hughes
Yea sure
I'll be ready in 10

I put on athletic shorts and an athletic top, considering that I'm gonna go on a run after breakfast. I'm sure no one's gonna be in the dining hall at eight on a no practice Saturday so I don't care if I go alone with Jack.

I'm running a little bit late, but about 15 minutes later, I'm out the door. I get downstairs to the dining hall and sure enough, I see one table that has a plate on it and two coffees. Both iced.

I walk over as Jack is walking back with a plate of eggs in his hand.

"Thanks for the coffee! You know me so well" I say, sarcastically.

"Ha yea of course." he says, sitting down. he chose a square table, and we're sitting next to each other, not across.

I go up to make myself a yogurt parfait, and I get a bagel as well.

"Sooo..." I say, coming over, poking his arm annoyingly. I set my stuff down and sit. "Are you excited for the game? I'm definitely watching. Front row. right up against the bench."

"Oh wow. I'm gonna be so nervous now that I know you'll be there!" He says.

"Shut up." I say, shoving his shoulder.

We talk for the rest of breakfast, and then I say that we should take a walk. We clear our stuff and head outside.

"It's getting colder." I notice. I'm just wearing my shirt and shorts because I was gonna work out after, but I'd rather take a walk first.

"Here" jack says without hesitation, "take this." he pulls off his USA hockey sweatshirt and his shirt comes up from underneath. I look really quickly to see rock hard abs. I quickly move my eyes to his face before he sees me looking.

"No it's ok." I say, actually wanting it.

"I insist." He says, handing it to me.

I put it on and immediately can smell him. He smells like faint cologne and very homey.

"Looks good on you." He says as we stand there. We are really close now, not sure how we got here.

I smile at him and don't say anything. We pause. I swear I saw him look down at my lips but immediately, after, he says, "you know, sometimes I just feel like I'm not good enough to be here."

"No that's so valid. I get imposter syndrome all the time." I say

"Really?" He asks. We keep walking around and talking about our shared experiences with mental health. This really solidifies our friendship. We do one big circle until we're back in front of the entrance to my dorm.

"Here." I say, reaching to takeoff a sweatshirt.

"No, keep it for now. I have a million of those." He says, shaking his hand.

"Thanks jack." I say, hugging him. We hug for a little longer than normal and i go on my tiptoes and put my head in the crook of his neck. He puts his hand in my hair and rests his cheek on the top of my head. We pull away and I wish him luck.

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