Chapter 11

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Friday. Day before first scrimmage of the season.

It's Friday afternoon and it's the day before our first scrimmage! Coach Hall announced the starting lineup in the locker room just a second ago and i couldn't be happier. I am starting low attack as of right now. I know that the other girls are jealous because other than my friend group, Dylan, lily, and emma, they aren't talking to me. It's fine for now.

Coach Hall pulls me into his office that is just down the hall from the locker room. He talks to me about how much I've improved and how I need to keep working hard so I can keep my spot. He also tells me to shake off any judgement that may be coming from the other players as that happens to every good player during their career.

I hear everyone leaving the locker room through the door so Coach wraps up our meeting and tells me to head to dinner. I walk into the locker room and before I let the door shut too loudly, I hear my name.

"I cant believe Sawyer is starting. After everything I have given to this team over the past 2 years." I hear a high pitched voice say.

"It's ok, I'm sure it's just temporary. She's not even that good anyways." I can tell who that is. It's Riley talking to her best friend Skylar. Bitches. They continue to say some really mean shit before I come in and slam the door.

I walk past them to my locker and they stare at me. I don't care though. I look at them and stare back until they stop looking at me. I grab my bag and leave.

Not gonna lie, I expected that, but they were two people I thought were "friends" or at least I thought would support me. As I continue walking, I think about the people that fell into the same category of closeness that they were to me and it gets really overwhelming. I bet practically the whole team is thinkings this. With that thought in mind, I go into the dining hall quickly, not looking at anyone because I know that there are tears in my eyes. I grab a piece of bread and leave, seeing everyone made me loose my appetite. I thought I heard someone call after me but I left before it got too much.

8pm. The same day.

I'm in my room still kinda sad about what happened. I get a text from my mom and dad.

Mom & Dad

Hi sweetie! I hope you are doing well.
Dad and I won't be able to make the game tomorrow. There are complications with the new drop so we have to go to the show in Italy tonight. I am so sorry. We will be watching on TV!

I read this and my heart sinks. I haven't seen my family in a month and my plan to feel better once i they got here and talked to me just vanished. I start to tear up. I really need someone to talk to right now.

My phone lights up again. It's a text from Jack.

Jack Hughes
Is everything ok? You left dinner like really fast.

Are you in your room?

Jack Hughes
Yea why?

I put my phone down and go to his room. I'm practically running down the hallways at this point because I don't wanna burst out crying. I knock at his door really hard until he opens the door.

"I'm coming I'm coming! Sawyer! What's going-" he stops. I see the smile immediately disappear from his innocent face and he sees me standing there, a single tear coming out of my left eye. He puts his hand up and wipes it away from my cheek and with that simple gesture, it all comes out.

I start bawling into his chest and he grabs me and holds me. I think his roommate, Z, left because I heard some stumbling around before Jack brought me inside and closed the door. We stayed like this, me holding into his shirt and crying into it and him hugging me, holding my head in his hands and scratching it while the other arm went around my back. He didn't move until i started to pull away.

"I'm sorry for coming in like this." I say, sniffling and laughing.

"No! Don't be." He says. "Wanna sit and talk? Or just sit, we don't have to talk yet." He says

I sniffle and go sit on his bed. He sits next to me and pulls me into him under his arm. I just stare at the wall and sigh.

"I don't know. I just thought that people wouldn't get jealous for some stupid reason." I said, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Yea, never think that." He says, letting out a laugh. "People are so nice to you when they first meet you, but as soon as you become a threat to them, its like you have never talked to them before."

It went quiet. I just admired him for being there for me. We have grown so close, I don't even care if I cry in front of him. I'm kind of tired so i start to close my eyes with my head leaning against the wall.

"You ok?" He asks, looking at me while tucking my hair behind my ear.

"Yes, just tired. I want to forget everything." I say. "Did I mention that my parents aren't even coming?"

"No, that sucks. Do they have a reason?" He asks.

"Yea, I don't know if you know this but my mom is like a fashion designer..." I trail off. I don't like talking about her is this way.

"Wait, that's sick. Where does she work?" He asks, genuinely interested. He readjusts his arm so it's right under my neck and my head is leading into his neck, right under his jaw.

"She started the brand Indigo Violet." I sigh. 

Jacks eyes light up. "That's like a real deal brand, what?" He says.

"Yea, I don't like people knowing because shit like this happens." I say, looking him in the eyes.

"No, it doesn't change anything for me." He says defensivly.

"don't worry, I didn't think so, but I just don't want you to think of me any differently now, ok?" I say.

He stares at me and smiles, "Of course, Sawyer."

a/n: Sorry for the longggggg wait and short chapter! More coming soooooooon

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