Chapter 5

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8:30pm. Common room.

We're all sitting around talking but everyone super nice. They're all asking me questions about my background, where I'm from, and how I made the older team. After we all got to know each other, it was just fun from there. Everyone was joking around and filling me in on all the drama from last year.

People start a separate into their groups of people, talking, and I turned a Jack.

" how have your practice has been so far? Is the team nice?" I ask.

"Everyone is great. There are some questionable people, but other than that, these guys have really taken me under their wing." jack says.

"Yea, same with me and Dylan. She was super nice from the beginning." I say. I turn so I'm facing him.

"how's the level of your team? Are you guys like the best of the best?" He says, not breaking eye contact.

"Yea, everyone here is committed to college for lacrosse. Playing time is gonna be really hard to get." I say.

"With the way you played at tryouts, I don't think you have a issue." he laughs.

" I hope you're right. What about you? Are you playing with them?" I ask, readjusting my body positioning, putting my leg closest to him folded under my other one.

"I think so." He says, putting his arm round the back of the coach. This call me by surprise, but it wasn't anything crazy. Since my upper body is completely facing him, I'm not really leaning into him, but his arm is still there.

" the guys are pretty good, and pretty big as well. I've worked like super hard though, so I think skills wise I can totally keep up with them." He adds.

"That's awesome." I say. I pause, noticing everyone is getting up and saying goodbye.

"Bye Sawyer! It was nice to meet you!" Alex says, followed by bye's from pearse and devon as well.

Dylan and everyone clears out noticing that jack and I are still talking.

"Wow, it's already 9." He says, looking at his watch.

"Yea, wanna go to my room?" I ask.

"Yea let's go." He says, getting up. He put on arm to help me off the couch. I lead him of the stairs into my room.

We walk in after I open the door, and I'm embarrassed as to how messy it is.

"Wow, so when you said you have an unpacked at all, you really meant it." He says, looking around stressed.

"Um. Maybe, yea." I say, " you seriously, don't have to help me."

"No of course I'll help you, I'm a super good unpacker." He says, sarcastically. He smirks a little and I blush. He's really cute.

"Um, I guess we can start with my bedding." I say.

We talk and unpack for the rest of the night. It's now 12 AM and we completely lost track of time. We've got to know each other very well, firing questions back-and-forth about stupid things like our favorite ice cream flavor to actual conversations about our future, and what we want. He's super easy to talk to you, and I think he feels the same way about me. Of course, he's a flirt, but so am I.

"Oh my god, it's already midnight" I say.

"I should probably head back now." he says, standing in the doorway.

"Yea, thanks again so much for the help. I'm basically done. This was such a relief." I say, looking around at the almost fully unpacked room.

"No, of course. It's really fun talking to you." he says, smiling and looking at me.

"Same to you. I feel like this years gonna be a lot of fun." I say, smirking.

"Yes it is." He says, backing out of the doorway. "Goodnight Sawyer."

"Goodnight Jack. See you tomorrow." We wave and he shuts the door.

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