AU - 09

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"Welcome back Lady Samanun."

The staffs welcomed us as soon as we set foot off the car. I am carrying Kaydie while holding on Mon's hand.

"This is my partner Mon, treat her with such respect as you give me." I said, I knew everyone here so im sure they will respect her too.

"yes of course your grace. The house is ready for your family Lady Sam."

I pulled Mon inside. This is one of the resthouses our family owned. After all the chaos yesterday, all i could think is to bring my little family to a place where we could rest and relax. So here we are, this is my favorite go to place when i wanted to be out of my chaotic city life. Were in Koh Samui. From the living room where we are now, i can see the clear blue waters and white sand of the beach. I can feel excitement from Mon. She's tapping my hand so many times now.

"We are here for 12 days Tee rak. You can do whatever you wanted. This place is ours anyways. The staffs live outside the property but stays close in case we need help. But i assure you its just us here the whole time."

"Lady Sam!"

"Auntie Som! It's been a while. Love, this is Auntie Som, she's the chief of staff here. She's in charge of taking care of the whole place. Auntie, this Mon my partner, and our daughter Kaydie."

"Hello Auntie Som. It's nice to meet you."

"its nice meeting you Lady Mon. Ow Lady Sam, you are so lucky to find this great beauty. And look how beautiful this little princess is. Your family looks so good. Im happy for you." the old woman clasped her hands in happiness.

"Ok, ok, before we went all emotional and such, is everything ready? Did you buy everything i sent in the list Auntie?"

"We did my lady. We even set up your room as what you instructed."

"Thanks Auntie. We'll put Kaydie to bed first."

"Yes, you should get some rest too. We will prepare your lunch for today, just only for today as promised."

Sam just smiled and pulled Mon upstairs to their room.

"Grandma usually use the biggest room but since its just us here, i thought we could use this. Plus its more spacious than the other rooms. I asked them to put a crib for Kaydie to use too."

Sam is really right when she said the room is spacious and a crib is already waiting for them. Mon put her daughter in and made sure she's sleeping well before going to the balcony where Sam is now. She hugged her from behind and kissed her cheeks. Sam held Mon's hand that is wrapped around her waist.

"its so beautiful here." Mon closed her eyes.  "Its calming and relaxing too. The view form here is beautiful, this is going to be my favorite spot in the house."

"My favorite spot is anywhere as long as i have you and Kaydie with me. I dont think i can live a life without you too in it. Thank you for letting me meet her. Thank you for giving me another reason to be happy. You and Kaydie is my happiness now Mon. So don't leave my side ok? Stay with me forever."

"As long as you want me here with you, i'll stay with you Sam. You and Kaydie are my life too. So you better be ready to spend your forever with us." Sam said after facing Mon.

"That i would gladly do." Sam leaned down and kissed her, Mon kissed back and Sam lead them to their bed.

After some time of making out, Sam put their foreheads together as they catch their breath. Their eyes closed and just feeling each other. "Slowly... We'll take this slowly."  she said which Mon replied with a nod. "I love you so much Mon."

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