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Chapter Twenty-Four

    It shrunk again, and the "尨" turned into a normal large dog and circled around Qingchi Lianyang's legs, making pitiful whimpering sounds from its throat, as if it was in extreme pain, and even its tail drooped pitifully.

    Aoike Lianyang: ...

    As the writer of "尨", he couldn't be more clear about the situation of this dog, no, this batch of goblins wearing dog skins.

    "'尨' was born under the root of a ten thousand year old tree, absorbing the aura of the ten thousand mountains, it is naturally raised, immortal and immortal, free from disease and pain." That is to say,

    it will not hurt.

    I don't know where I learned it from normal dogs acting like a baby.

    ...Probably the little girl taught it.

    He rubbed the dog's head indiscriminately, and then said coldly in a tone that could not hear any pity.

    "Take me to the person who killed you, 尨."

    In addition to the fact that every time you die, it will be smaller than the original basis, "尨" also has a characteristic.

    It will always remember the smell of the person who killed it.

    Once you have killed "尨" once, it will be useless even if you spray your whole body with perfume, or replace your skin and blood.

    It works better than tracking phosphors. This is also the reason why Quan Jinghua must bring "尨".

    Qingchi Lianyang had already guessed that the employer would find someone other than the port mafia to do this task.

    The comforted "Xiao" wagged his tail again contentedly, a dog's head was full of joy.

    Miss Yuzi on the shoulder of the novelist stared at the big dog curiously, and the black line extending from her hand shook a few times, trying to touch it too.

    From the same origin, it is very interested in big dogs.

    Qingchi Lianyang saw Miss Yuzi's meaning and nodded slightly.

    "Let's go."

    Miss Yuzi who got the consent happily drew two black lines, and moved herself onto "Xiao".

    The little doll sits on the dog's back, looking like a knight in a fairy tale.

    Seeing the two supernatural creatures having fun, Aoki Lianyang's expression softened.

    After waiting in the underground garage for a while, the person responsible for meeting him also came.

    The driver in the black suit pushed the door down from the driver's seat, glanced at Aoike Renyang lightly in a gesture that would not offend the employer, and quickly lowered his head after remembering his attire, and then raised his bow.

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