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Chapter Forty-One

    Osamu Dazai never imagined that one day he would have to worry about whether others would starve to death.

    Qingchi Lianyang wrote a book and forgot to sleep and eat, and didn't even leave the house.

    The meal that Miss Yuzi brought in suffered some skin trauma when it was brought out.

    "Xiaoyin, is this how human beings eat?"

    Osamu Dazai held his chin, looked at the food brought out by the black thread wrist again, and sighed.

    Akutagawa Gin quietly appeared from the inner door.

    The girl was wearing a neat black suit, her facial features were fresh, but she gave off a quiet feeling like a sound-absorbing sponge.

    She also showed a puzzled look at Osamu Dazai's question.

    "Sorry, I don't know."

    The waifs on Leibo Street don't have three meals a day and eat according to order. They often can't eat normal food for two or three days. As soon as there is something to eat, they gobble it first and stuff it into their stomachs.

    After coming to the Port Mafia, Ms. Yuzi wished she could cook twenty hours a day for her to make up for the shortfall in the girl's body. Therefore, Akutagawa Yin really doesn't know the common sense about eating.

    Besides, isn't the leader himself eating very irregularly?

    When Mr. Qingchi was not busy before, they had small meals three times a day. After Mr. Aoike got busy, the leader only drank a cup of black coffee occasionally.

    Miss Yuzi didn't care about that, it neatly packed up the food Qingchi Lianyang refused, and put it at the door. A few minutes later, the door of the chief's room was pushed open by a dog's head, and the meal was taken away with ease.

    "Xiao" has nothing to do every day, and met many wild dogs and cats in the port mafia. Relying on his size and "financial resources", he became the leader of the "beast sect" in this area, and everyone responded.

    Osamu Dazai discovered this incident on a whim when he went to the kitchen to look at his hard tofu, and found Miss Yuzi making dog biscuits.

    He said why there is so much flour and sugar in the reimbursement form of the chief's office. Those who didn't know thought he opened a bakery in the chief's room.

    Hitting a wall in Akutagawa Ginna, Osamu Dazai pointed the finger at Miss Yuko.

    "Miss Yuzi, don't you care about your master?"

    Qingchi Lianyang's room is like a microwave oven, the food is plated with gold first, and then packed and fed to the dog.

    The three-headed Miss Yuzi who looked like a doll turned her head around. It is not a human being, and its limbs and head can turn freely, so even if it keeps its head turned on weekdays, it can still cook with ease.

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