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Chapter Fifty-Five

    Yokohama, a large import and export cargo storage warehouse by the harbor.

    With walls thick enough to withstand small mortars, and tall and narrow windows designed to keep enemies from prying into its contents, the interior of the warehouse is almost invisible. All the lighting bulbs had been destroyed long ago.

    Unlike the dense darkness that reminds people of absolute silence, the interior of the warehouse can be described as bustling.

    Exclamations to the darkness, the blazing fire of bullets, the footsteps of many people running back and forth, the painful cries of people being tripped over by cargo, the curses of being stepped on by their companions, and the collision of bodies being pushed onto the container Voice.

    This is a group of trapped beasts locked in a cage.

    Not long ago, they were tricked and locked in this suffocating dark warehouse.

    Finally, the voice of the leader was like the leader of a flock of frightened sheep, giving direction to everyone.

    "Everyone stand still! Don't move! Don't shoot, you will hit your own people!"

    Half a minute later, the panic-stricken crowd fell into complete silence after being suddenly plunged into darkness.

    Their identities are a temporary mercenary group, and they came to Yokohama to pick up a priceless smuggled antique. It can't be said that they are well-trained, but their psychological quality is much better than that of ordinary gangsters.

    Leaders come into play.

    "Report the number! Tell me your tactical number and situation! So as not to be impersonated by the enemy!" There were more than

    20 of them in total, and the count was completed very quickly. Except for those trampled by their own people, no one was injured.

    The leader was surprised: "Are you sure that no one has been attacked?"


    "No!" "

    That's strange... Could it be that the wind broke the light bulb and locked the iron door again? You, in the light bulb Did you hear any strange noises before it was wiped out?"

    After a while, a man spoke first.

    "I seem to hear the sound of drawing a sword, that is, the sound of scabbard rubbing against metal."

    When he said this, people around him immediately echoed, saying that he had heard a similar sound.

    After asking these people where they were in the team, combined with their speed of entering the warehouse, the leader calculated the source of the so-called sword drawing sound. That person should have been hiding in the third container near the door.

    But why didn't he do it after successfully creating chaos?

    After thinking about it, the leader decided to take a risk.

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