Chapter 9:- Abhinav Mehra at my house?

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Author's pov

"Where were you?" That was the first question, Radhika asked as Aarushi entered the living room.

"I---" Before Aarushi could say something, Radhika spoke.

"I know you mailed the resignation letter this morning so, don't you dare lie to me." Radhika warned and at the same time, Vivaan entered the living room with a bowl of snacks in his hand.

Aarushi thought of telling the truth to her mother. She is also a woman, right? She will understand her.

" boss touches me inappropriately and this time he crossed his limit. H-he tried to force himself on me." Aarushi tried to speak but the last part came out as a whisper.

She thought that at least now her Mother will show some sympathy to her and will support her in this decision but....

"So??? You could have just slept with him. There's no big deal in that, at least for you. We would have got a lot of money." She said with disappointment.

Aarushi just stared at her. Trying to understand why she said they would have got money if she slept with him.

"What do you mean??" She asked in confusion.

"It's not a big bang theory that you don't know what it means." Vivaan taunted her while munching on his snacks.

"It's simple that, for touching you inappropriately, he gives me bonus." He said and took a sip of his cold Coke.

"H-how could you---"

"Ohh drama queen, stop your drama!! First, cook dinner and then go to your room and do whatever you want. And yes, make palak panner and naan today. My son loves it." She ordered Aarushi and caressed her dear son's cheek, lovingly.

At this point, Aarushi didn't know what to feel. She was now used to how she was treated by her stepmother and brother but this.... How they can do that? Not as mother or brother but for the sake of humanity they shouldn't have done that.

All thanks to that dream that came in her mind and she saved herself. Or else today......


Author's pov

Aarushi woke up with puffy eyes and a headache. Yesterday she was crying, hugging her pillow, imagining it as her mother. She doesn't remember when she drifted into a deep slumber.

She did all her morning routine with a straight face. Radhika taunted her, she even slapped her because accidentally she added less salt to the breakfast but Aarushi didn't spoke a word.


Author's pov

"Are you serious??????????" Krish asked getting excited. But Abhinav just hummed in reply.

"I am not at all interested in meeting her but I want to meet her once. Who the hell just gives away their address to a stranger??" Abhinav said, thinking how careless she is.

"It was Aunty, Abhinav."

"Thank god it was mumma and not somebody else just pretending to be nice with a bad intention set in their mind." He huffed.

"What's her name? " Krish asked.

"Aarushi," Abhinav said simply.

"What....what if it's that Aarushi?" Krish asked and Abhinav knew whom he was referring to.

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