Chapter 39:- They liked it

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Author's pov

Aarushi came back to their bedroom and saw Abhinav sitting on the bed with laptop in his lap.

She ignored him and did her night routine. She came back from the bathroom and saw Abhinav was wiping the water off his t-shirt. Maybe he spilled it.

Aarushi quickly did some skincare Routine while sitting in front of the vanity mirror and turned around just to turn into a stone.

"What the heck! Don't you feel shame, standing naked in front of a girl? Idiot." Aarushi turned her face to side with an "shameless boy" expression on her face.

She crossed her hand on her chest, still mumbling something.

"First of all, I am HALF naked and second of all you are not JUST a girl but my wife too and third of all that I don't care." Abhinav said nonchalantly.

He streched his body.

"You are shameless but I am not! You should have atleast warn me before doing that. So that I would have saved my innocent eyes." Aarushi chided at him.

Abhinav stared at her and then threw the t-shirt on the bed which he was going to wear.

Abhinav started taking steps towards Aarushi. Aarushi's heart beat increased. She started taking her steps back in fear.

(Yesha:- I know this particular scene is in every Wattpad story but.... Please just bear with it🤧.)

Abhinav didn't even once blinked his eye. He was moving towards her and she was taking her steps back when her back hit the wall behind her. Abhinav stopped when he was close enough to her.

It was like Aarushi forgot to breathe.

Why he was doing that!!!!!

Move away broooo!!!

"What did you said? You are not shameless?? Watching a man completely naked in a movie and him fucking a girl and still your eyes are innocent and you are not shameless? Watching the actors shirtless and drool over them is not shamelessness??" Abhinav raised his eyebrows at her.

"It's....di-differnt. They...are....actors. And you can only see them shirtless on screen and not in real life." Aarushi stuttered in the beginning and she almost whispered the last part. But her bad.
Our Mr. Mehra heard it.

"But you got the chance to see someone shirtless in real life." Abhinav teased her.

Aarushi was avoiding the eye contact and was looking down.

"I am not at all interested." Aarushi tried to sound confident but her words came out in low voice.

Abhinav scoffed.

"Trust me, I am more handsome than that.... what was his name...Grey....ya Christian Grey." Aarushi snapped up her gaze at him.

"How do you know what I watch on my phone?" Aarushi asked remembering what Abhinav said earlier.

He smiled devilishly.

"That's for me to know and you to find out."

Aarushi gulped in fear.

"What has gotten into this man. Why is he behaving like this?" Aarushi thought trying to read his eyes.

She saw him moving his face more closer to her and she shut her eyes tight.

"Btw this red colour looks good on you." He whispered and moved back.

Aarushi opened her eyes and looked at her night dress. It's not red. Then..... Wait... She felt her cheeks burning so she touched it and felt it warm. She was blushing!!!!!

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