Chapter 50:- Parting Ways

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Yesha:- As few of you requested me to update the next chapter so, here I am and I will update the next chapters when I will get some clear ideas. But I can't promise to update daily☹️ hope you understand ❤️

Author's pov

-A DAY BEFORE- (means this is the day before Aarushi went to Rajveer and Abhinav went to Shanaya.)

"Please mumma, I want to go to terrace." Ayansh whined for the 10th time.

"No, Ayansh. It must be slippery because of the rain." This is how Aarushi responded for the 10th time.

"But mummaaaaaa" Ayansh started crying and Tripti and Aarushi shared a tired look.

"Ayansh, you shouldn't be this stubborn." Tripti warned him.

Sometimes they have to behave strictly. If it wasn't raining then anyone of them would have took him to the terrace but right now the situation wasn't that.

Everyone knows how much curious kids are. They won't stand on one place quietly. They will roam here and there. They will touch anything which will grow their curiosity. They will climb anywhere they want.

Aarushi and Tripti shared a look.

Ayansh was crying but neither his mumma nor his dadi were sparing any glances at him.

Because they know if they look at him then he will cry more but if they don't pay attention to him then he will stop crying on his own. And that's what happened.

Ayansh stopped crying and took his toy cars and made his way upstairs. They knew he was going to his room so no one said anything.

"Aarushi, go and check what he is doing." Tripti said and Aarushi nodded.

Aarushi slightly opened the door of his room just to find it empty.

She curiously went inside and started searching for Ayansh behind the curtains and in the bathroom but he was nowhere to be found.

Aarushi widen her eyes as a thought struck her.

She dashed towards the terrace.

She reached till the door and saw Ayansh near the railing, peeking down from there.

"Ayansh..." Aarushi called out while carefully moving towards him. He turned back with his duck (soft toy) in his hand.

"Ayansh, I told you not to come here alone, right?? Then why did you came here? And also you didn't even informed me or dadi. Why is it so? Aren't you a good boy? You do know that good boy always respect and listens to elders."

Aarushi lightly scolded him but Ayansh didn't liked it. This was the first time he was getting scolded by his mumma. Tears started streaming down his face.

Aarushi was feeling bad but at this moment she needs to behave strictly. She can't over pamper him and spoil him like that.

"Now come, let's go down." Aarushi said as she extended her hand towards him but Ayansh quickly grabbed the railing tightly.

"No, mumma. I like it here. Rainbow will appear soon." Ayansh said between his sobs.

"Ayansh no rainbow can't appear right now. It's not possible at this moment." Aarushi explained as she hold his hand.

"No no. It will appear. My duck (soft toy) said that." Ayansh said and tried to get his hand free from his mother's grip.

"Ayansh, this is too much. Don't be stubborn." Aarushi scolded and tried to pick him up but Ayansh tightened his grip on the railing.

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