Chapter 48:- She finally confessed

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Author's pov

It was morning and Abhinav was wearing his watch while his gaze fixed on his wife. She was avoiding him again.

She was done making the bed perfectly and moved out of the room like she was alone there and no one else was there in the room.

After few minutes....

"Hello!!!" Krish waved his hand at Aarushi.

"Hiii" Aarushi giggled.

Instead of doing a voice call, our Krish did a video call.

"Ok so tell me why did you wanted me to call you?" Krish asked and Aarushi pulled up a serious face.

"Uh...what happened that night? How did I behaved when I got drunk? " Aarushi asked nervously.

Before replying Krish laughed. Aarushi looked at him confused. Her heart was beating wildly.

"You act cute when you are drunk." Krish chuckled.

Aarushi widen her eyes.

"What you mean??? Please Krish tell me." Aarushi requested.

"You know you told the bartender that he looks good but your husband is more handsome." Krish laughed as he remembered Abhinav's expression when he heard Aarushi saying that.

"W-what...." Aarushi stuttered in disbelief.

Ok she knows that her husband is handsome and have such a great body but hey she didn't wanted that to be known by everyone, what she thinks.

"And instead of calling him by his name, you were calling him husband." Krish grinned and Aarushi's face turned red in embarrassment.

"What more did I do? " Aarushi asked hoping for best.

"Well....this question can only be answered by your husband. Ask him." Krish said casually.

"I did but he told me to forget about everything." Aarushi said with a sad face.

"Then..... somehow force him to tell you everything. You are his wife, you have the right to question your husband. " Krish suggested and Aarushi got lost in her thoughts.
Author's pov

Aarushi was making her way towards Ayansh's room to give him the glass of milk but she stopped outside his room when she heard Ayansh talking to someone.

"We are friends. And I will always be your friend." Ayansh said to someone.

"Who is he talking to?" Aarushi thought and opened the door.

"Ayansh, whom were you talking to?" Aarushi asked as she scanned every corner of his room.

"Mumma with my new friend." Ayansh said pointing in air. Aarushi looked in front of him but there was no one.

"But Ayansh...there is---" Before she could finish her sentence, Ayansh spoke.

"Mumma he is saying hello to you." Aarushi gulped hard and tried to smile.

"H-hello to him too. Ayansh come I will show you something. Come with me. Fast . " Aarushi made an excuse and took him with herself in their room.

Aarushi was scared. Was there any ghost in the room?? It is possible because kids can see ghosts.

"Mumma, what is it? " Ayansh asked and Aarushi started thinking of something.

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