Chapter 33:- Hate Comments

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Author's pov

Aarushi woke up as she felt someone kissing on her cheek. Aarushi flickered her eyes open. She turned her face and Abhinav's face was close to her. He smiled at her.

He placed the back of his palm on her forehead to check the temperature. It was normal now.

"Are you feeling good?" Abhinav asked softly.

Aarushi was too stunned to speak anything.

"Aaru...are you okay?" He again asked as this time worried lines appears on his forehead. He stroked her hair.

"I-i am fine..." Aarushi somehow managed to speak.

She sat up, trying to understand what is happening. She looked at Abhinav, who was already looking at her with a smile on his face. Abhinav started getting close to her he placed his hand on her cheek.

"Do you need anything??" Abhinav asked softly. And Aarushi just shaked her head lightly as no. How can she speak anything when Abhinav was so close to her.

Abhinav was looking straight into her eyes and then his gaze shifted to her lips and then back to her eyes. He started getting more closer to her while closing his eyes and Aarushi too closed her eyes ready to feel his lips on hers and then the next moment....

Aarushi woke up and sat up with a jerk . She was breathing heavily. She looked at her surrounding and found no one.

At the same moment Abhinav entered the room. He looked at her. She was breathing heavily and quickly moved towards her.

"Aarushi, are you okay??" He asked concerned and checked her temperature with the back of his palm.

"I am okay." Aarushi managed to speak.

"Then why are you breathing so heavily?" Abhinav asked who can still see her breathing heavily.

"I... " How she is supposed to tell that his proximity and the dream she just saw was affecting her. It felt so real.

"It's just that I saw a dream and nothing else." Aarushi said and Abhinav looked at her for few seconds to know if she was telling the truth or not but still nodded his head.

"Where is Ayansh?" Aarushi asked breaking the awkward silence.

"He is downstairs watching cartoons as he is not feeling sleepy." Abhinav answered.

Aarushi made her way to the bathroom to get freshen up and then made her way downstairs. Abhinav went to his study room.

Author's pov

Aarushi reached near the sofa but Ayansh was too busy to notice her presence. So she cleared her throat and yes.. Ayansh looked at the direction and quickly a big smile was adoring his face.
He jumped down and ran towards his mumma to hug her.

Aarushi picked him up in her arms.

"How are you my baby??" Aarushi asked kissing his chubby cheek. She missed him.

"I am fine mumma. How are you?? Are you still sick??" Ayansh asked and placed his small palm on her forehead to check the temperature. Aarushi chuckled.

" Yes, baby I am fine too and no I am not sick anymore." Aarushi said and Ayansh hugged her happily.

They both sat on the sofa with Ayansh sitting on Aarushi's lap. He was leaning on Aarushi's chest. Both of them loved watching cartoons. So they were too lost in it.

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