Chapter 64:- Good news

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Author's pov

It was 12 at night and Krish was still awake. He was practicing painting nails on nail wheel.

He bought many of them just to practice.

He can't be a professional in just few hours and also he doesn't even want to be.

He just want to be good at it.

Abhinav is also good at it, right?
He can do it too.
Next time Tanya will surely praise him.

Author's pov

Ayansh was sleeping between Abhinav and Aarushi but the main thing was that Ayansh was staring at his papa with the expressions of betrayal.

He was looking at his papa like his papa had committed some crime.

Abhinav was feeling helpless.

But before he could say anything, Ayansh turned his back to him and hugged his mumma.

Aarushi looked at Abhinav helplessly.
She can't help him in this situation.

After half an hour, Ayansh was in a deep slumber. Abhinav got up and leaned towards Aarushi to make sure Ayansh was still sleeping.

Abhinav gestured Aarushi to get up. And Aarushi did and stood near the bed. Abhinav sat on his knees and picked up Ayansh and placed him on Aarushi's place.

Aarushi glared at him for doing that to that poor kid.

"I also want hugs and cuddles." Abhinav gave straight answer and kept a pillow on side to prevent that little kid from falling down.

Abhinav laid down on his place and patted Ayansh's previous place, gesturing her to come and sleep there.

Aarushi did it as no other option was left. This guy will take want he wants.

Aarushi laid down beside him, facing up and Abhinav quickly laid his head on her chest and one leg on her, sleeping on his stomach.

Aarushi snaked her hand around his body. One hand on his back and with other hand she was caressing his hair.
This feels like heaven.

Everyone was having breakfast and whenever Ayansh and Abhinav's eyes will meet, Ayansh will give him the same look that he is giving since yesterday.
Abhinav is feeling like he committed some crime. He has now decided that he is never going to make such jokes in future.

"Mumma, today you also come to drop me. Please." Ayansh requested while showing puppy eyes and who can ignore that???

"Mumma's boy." Abhinav thought looking at his son.

Abhinav's pov

We reached the school and got down from the car.

Aarushi was explaining Ayansh to be a good boy and respect his teachers and help his friends. And Not to make fun of anyone.

Ayansh nodded like a good boy and he got a kiss on his cheek🌝

"Just great!!" I thought while rolling my eyes and folding my hands over my chest.

Ayansh just walked a few metres and suddenly a girl and boy came running to him.

That Girl stood in middle and Ayansh and that little boy stood on the neither side of the girl. They held each other's hand and started walking again.

Seeing that, my lips curled up forming a smile as I remembered that me, Tanya and Krish, were also like this.

Author's pov

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