Chapter 49:- I Hate Him/Her

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Yesha:- They say we should never get too excited for something 🤧 maybe today this chapter will prove that.
Please don't kill me after reading this chapterrrrrr😬😬
-10 days later- (10 days after their kiss)

(We don't know what happened in that 10 days. This chapter is really shocking and maybe confusing for some.)

Author's pov

"I am not understanding that what the heck is happening." Tanya said with a tensed face.

"Exactly!!!! " Krish said as he smashed his hand on the table.

"They shouldn't have took that decision. They should have acted maturely and talked out everything." Tanya added.

"But noooo they both are behaving like an idiot. Abhi is like that only but Aaru??? She should have tried to talk it out. Or if needed then she could have just slapped him to get him into his senses." Krish said feeling frustrated.

"Should we talk to them??" Tanya asked as she approached Krish.

"Abhi doesn't want to talk about it and Aarushi.....she is not picking up my calls nor she is replying to any of my texts." Krish said helplessly.

Author's pov

Abhinav was leaning against the table while reading a file when his cabin's door opened and someone entered without taking the permission. Abhinav looked up and the next thing he knew was that, a tight slap was planted on his cheek.

For a moment everything stopped.

It took a minute for him to process, what actually happened.

"What the hell!!! Why did you do that?" Abhinav asked in anger.

"Because you are an idiot!! A TOTAL IDIOT!! Why you did that?? Have you lost your brain?? YOU WILL REGRET IT!!" Tanya said while grabbing his collar harshly.

"Whatever I did was right and I am not going to regret it." Abhinav said calmly.

Tanya's hold loosen on his collar in disbelief.

"YOU ARE NOT THAT ABHINAV MEHRA WHOM I KNOW FROM YEARS!!!" Tanya shouted and moved out from there.

Abhinav sighed deeply and rubbed his face in frustration.

Someone's pov

"Finally what I wanted is happening. I am so happy right now." I said while smiling brightly.

"Yes, finally I got what I wanted." I twirled around, happily.

Author's pov

"Dadi, where is mumma?" Ayansh asked with teary eyes.

"Ayansh, your mumma went to her house because her father is sick and he needs your mumma there." Tripti said as she took Ayansh in her lap. Ayansh looked down at his lap.

"Dadi, when mumma will come back? " Ayansh asked hopefully.

"Soon." Tripti replied with a smile and embrace him in her arms. Her smile faded as her eyes met with Daksh's eyes.

Daksh looked away angrily and tears brimmed in Tripti's eyes.

Abhinav's pov

"Welcome back baby. I missed you" She back hugged me and I pulled her and brought her in front of me.

"I missed you too Shanaya." I hugged her.

"Ohh really? I thought you must be thinking about that Aarushi." Shanaya said and I broke the hug.

"You spoiled my mood. You know I hate her " I said getting upset. I maintained some distance from Shanaya and begin loosening my tie.

"I am so sorry. I didn't meant to spoil your mood." Shanaya said with a pout and placed a peck on my cheek.

"It's okay. " I said with a smile.

"Btw....I am very hungry. Will you heat the food till I go and freshen up?" I said while caressing her cheek with my thumb.

"Ofcourse." Shanya said and took my hand in hers which was placed on her cheek and kissed it.

I smiled in response.

"I love you." I confessed and Shanaya grinned.

"I love you too." She responded and moved out to heat the food which was basically ordered from outside.

Aarushi's pov

"Aarushi, enough now. Stop crying." He said softly while stroking my hair.

"Rajveer, he is so bad. I hate him" I said while sobbing and hugged him while continuing my crying session.

"Why are you wasting your tears for that jerk? See you took a right decision by coming here to me." Rajveer said as he rubbed my back.

"I know you don't love me but my body but atleast you are better than Abhinav. He treated me so bad. He hurts me again and again. Now I am just tired." I complaint while crying hard.

Rajveer broke the hug and cupped my face.

"Aarushi, I know he is a very bad person but now just forget about him. You have me now. And if you want then I will start loving you too and not just your body. But now please stop crying. You are crying from past one hour. You should now take some rest." Rajveer said and made me lie on the bed. He pecked my forehead and moved out of the room.

I laid there, staring blankly at the ceiling while tears were continuously streaming down my face until I slipped into a deep slumber.

Abhinav's pov

Both me and Shanaya had their dinner peacefully and now both were sleeping into each other's arms. This was peace. There was no Chaos in life my now.

That day I didn't went home by making an excuse that I have a lot of work and I will be staying in my penthouse.

Yesha:- I know it's a short chapter but seriously I am feeling very sleepy right now. I am barely being able to keep my eyes open.

One more thing. Can I please take a break of 2-3 days? I need time to think about next chapters and what scenes I should exactly add. I am kinda stuck in Writer's block.
I hope you all understand 😥

          ..............To be continued............

Total words:- 974

Bye Bye Ta Ta See You Lovies ❤️
Until next time 😊
Take care ✨💫💖

Bye Bye Ta Ta See You Lovies ❤️Until next time 😊Take care ✨💫💖

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